Wednesday, November 16, 2022

...why I do not buy it.

Let US all make sense thinking, well, unless we are retarded together with all of the Western nations including Vladimir Putin and most in the change or link to launch a nuclear attack.

Let's see:

Russia has been fighting against Ukraine, Ukraine is killing all Russian's boots as a very fast rate never seen in history. And Russia been unable to conquer that land. Ukraine had demonstrated that Russia has not the power to invade any nation.

In Germany.

Germany is a mighty country, stronger than Ukraine.  How on earth, if Russia is powerless to conquer Ukraine, is Russia going to be able to conquer Germany? How on earth is Russia going to invade all of the European Union including the United Kingdom?

...well, let's say with nuclear bombs.

How on earth is Russia going to nuke so many nations and none of them to nuke Russia? There are many that of them that could wipe out the existence of Russia just like that, with the blink of an eye.

...and the United States of America, where is it? Just painted on paper? This is the first time I put in the web a personal opinion based on facts needed not to mention here.

What the above site is doing is blatantly a blasphemy. Why some people publish such a lie, that all it does is making other people to worry on it, been it, all false?

People, think and think twice, and the conclusion is going to be the above, if not, sorry for you BABY! 

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