Friday, November 30, 2018

With all due respect, to Brexit, former United Kingdom.

With all due respect, to Brexit, former United Kingdom.

“Unite and win, separate and loose”

The evolving European Union is in the final process of loosing a great member out of their Union, a Trump person who is the Prime minister of Brexit, former Great England.

Theresa May as Trump is a heard headed individual and is scared to submit Brexit to a second election.  ‘cause she doesn’t know of the existence of the “hybrid war” created and invented and supported in Russia.  Think the best way to reaffirm the legally (for a second time) of the new nation of Brexit would be to hold a second national election.  But ‘cause the electorate were too close to a 50-50, Mrs. Trump, (sorry, this is one errata of mine), Mrs. Theresa May doesn’t take her own risk to call for a second election to solve this problem once and for all.

…well, now all of England are aware of the benefit that there would be leaving or staying in the Union.  One main thing why Mrs. Trump (another errata), why Mrs. Theresa May doesn’t want to call for a second election is her spirit of a proud woman, not the importance of doing so to leave this chaos fixed and “se finish”, “se termino”, it ended, is her spirit not the necessity of the people of UK.

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