Saturday, November 03, 2018

…applying AI to voting machines

…applying AI to voting machines.

...yes, I second your suggestion, but there is a problem: the voting machine count is loaded into the USB provided to the voting site coordinator, then the coordinator download the compiled data into an encrypted computer which sends the data to the central voting computer in the state involve. The problem: the USB flash drive could be dirty (could contain malware that either withhold some data or adds extra data to be counted for).  Remember Iran Nuclear labs invasion with a very sophisticated malware.  By just providing a few USB infected with some type of engineered malware that when it reaches the main computer frame to add and count all votes of certain sections of a borough, county or state, those few USB could reassemble a very large complex malware that would havoc all votes if it doesn't favor a particular candidate in such a way that all votes in a state has to be recounted and counted and never ad up to the same results, been the state force to redo the voting again.  This way, Democracy had been attack.
Solution: all USB flash drives should be encrypted up to 256 encryption state of been, if part of its key in the USB and other part of it in the computer used to read the USB; the USB itself should contains an Operating System specially designed just for voting and contains in it the same info in existence in the "voter registration list" and total of ballot used with the number of each and every ballot in it in excel sheet, all the votes and the excel sheet is then passed into the main local computer user in the pool location, it does the math by itself that then is passed over the mainframe computer machine adding all votes with excel sheets included too; if a candidate complains of fraud, errors or the likes, the mainframe computer could pinpoint the time, location and vote, even the name of the voter which by a court order could be interviewed by voting authorities to confirm if he/she voted this or that way before taking any decision of canceling all the votes of a pool location or not and before checking for malware. To do all the above there must exists a cause and a court order issuing an order to "investigate" if in such pool site there were fraud, malware attacks or the likes.  Also, the states in charge of the electorate directive or whichever voting institution be in charge, should do that at random taking any voting site as to "investigate" before issuing any official news of who won the elections, yet the public would already know the unofficial results.  The winner would have to wait few days before been "declared: winner".  In the above way, the mainframe computer not only has numbers, but the real history of all the votes.  Only a court order could issue the right to any candidate to observe the given votes to him/herself, in presence of all other candidates to observe too the facts unless the other candidate accepts the results with no complaint which the candidate should signed as "accept the results" together with his/her main directive members; only the candidate is the legitimate signer.

…still more, the above has to be preserved with still some special anti-malware designed for such purpose.  In other words: let’s start using AI in USA pool locations and nationwide.

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