Thursday, November 22, 2018

...tire of hearing different stories saying the same thing. Just take him out!

...just visit here, it is too long to copy so many truth, kill yourself as I did to myself.
...all I could do is wait and see. seems this is a dream, wanna wake up, but can't; everyday having the same nightmare.
Please God, if you really, really exists something, have misericordia of USA!
I don't wish to see this nation destroyed in such a short time, without giving a fight!
Thy God! Mercy, mercy on US.
First the President of US attacks US.
...then follow China
Then Russia:
Russia? ...yes Russia.
Donald Trump makes a deal with the devil.
...and continue and continue.  Please God, help America or else I will start preaching witchcraft, 'cause don't know what to do.  Got it!  DARPA could help remove him by sending a hurricane to his brain an cracking a little bit more, so he is remove faster! 
Ada Cadabra, let a witch remove him out of power!
Donald, I curse you to become each and every day much and more loco until you get removed out of power!
...see?  Thanks Mrs. Witch! Might be that works.  Cross my fingers.

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