Saturday, November 03, 2018

…yes, I might stop blogging, out of frustration.

…yes, I might stop blogging, out of frustration.

Democracy is been attack all around, from within, from outside from atop and from the bottom; this is, North, South, East and West.

There are too many other agitators that exploit other bloggers in order to get, one way or the other, some pennies out of other’s people blogs by criticizing, lacking any reason, logic or analyses: that blogger is… this and this and that.  Calling him/her names, saying the blogger is a foreigner, or an idiot or a traitor or a lot of horrible things not pertaining to the blogger.  These are some “bloggers” that copy other bloggers that make deep research, investigation on some social, political or economic social problems, but the analyses created out of that investigation is criticized with no logic, analyses or decent comments by those: “other bloggers” that are just interested in selling ads in their sites, but has and can’t port any enrichment to the community, they are nothing that agitators.  ‘Cause they are not interested in enrichment of any reader, but to get some pay as presenting their sites agitating on others.

For instance, permit me to post here certain sites that do serious researches, present it to the public, for that public to make its judgements.

…but first, ‘cause first thing goes first; permit me to make a personal judgement on a few world social problems caused by leaders, some small unimportant people and the likes:

Socialists as well as Communists are misguided people, which in realities they are not, they are mis-guiders, mis-leaders, abusers and not only that, people with the least sentiment on other people, per se, maniacs in power.

Venezuela is dying, dying of hunger and submerse in a mantel of social and physical crimes to its and within its population.  See this, he is asked a question, he the president of Venezuela, Maduro Moros, gives a totally far way answer to the question been asked with a critic to others, not answering the pertained question, pay attention, don’t let your mind be guided off the topic the news man asked to him …and look at his face as that men, the President answers things not related with things not pertaining to the inquiry:

…if you would be kind, now see this video, it presents the real thing:

…the above are not fake news, the above is reality, and that’s how communist and socialist governs a nation, that’s how the answer inquiries to others.  If the same question is asking by a national withing their country of origen, what do you think would happen to that national?

It hurts seen humans suffering so deep, so much, so hard …and no nations get together to overthrow the system creating that suffering.  On the basis of no intervention in foreign policies.  And what is the OEA for?  What is the UN for?  I ask myself.

…critics prefer attacking easy targets as myself yet having no logics at all.  If you dare, publish my impressions on you, dear agitator.

…yes, ‘cause that I might stop blogging, out of frustration.

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