Sunday, December 02, 2018

Tired of the same story.

Tired of the same story.

...I'm getting tired of seen each and every day the same scenario: finding new witnesses that Mr. Trump collided with the Russians. Politicians, lawyers and people from the fed testifying as witness of Mr. Trump colliding with the Russians. The FBI, CIA and NSA testifying that Mr. Trump is contributing to the Russian cause: "hybrid war" ...and Mr. Trump, with just a couple of words dismissing whatever: it's a lied. I didn't know that a President of the United States of America could ruin the whole US enterprise with simple words, and that suffice. Wow! am starting to belief that a President in US is above the Constitution of USA. I'm starting to belief that the best way to protect yourself if you associate with the mafia, black market and or the drug carter (as in Mexico) is to work from within a high political gubernatorial position next to the President. Am sick of seen all that been the main plate of the day in Latin America; I got that for I am Latino-American and feel so disappointed that after embracing the American Nationality, didn't know was embracing the same thing I run away off: abusers in politics; that Democracy is in decadence and that dictatorship as well as Socialism and Communism are the future of US in the surface of this plannet earth. Democracy had become a theater of which the rich could protect themselves much better than in other socio-political entity. So many witnesses, instead they got fired from their job 'cause protecting not only this nation state, but Democracy in its essence.

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