On Climate Change, Green House and Plagiarists.
Yes, am I a scientist? No. Then: have I any right to deal with climate change? Yes.
Warning to plagiarists: I spent countless hours (months and months) observing on natural phenomena; I took these observations and concluded the above explained below …and to support it, used direct scientific observation extracted from Wikipidea.org …used direct scientific observation of other theorists that had posted their scientific observation, scientific opinion and highly educated theories on You Tube. I claim no right to their theories or multiple educated observations but do claim my own scientific observations here, my rights. A person doesn’t need to have a diploma in engineering, Space-astronomical diploma (dr. in Physics) or any thing as a doctorate. All what’s needed is knowledge, acquired knowledge and understanding of that knowledge to support their own findings. That already happened against me when I described what is “Space Time”. I did explain what that is, but don’t know how, scientists attributed my observation on what it is, they, scientist said, was defined by Einstein; he never spoke on that, he neither thought of that. I used Einstein theory of Energy is equal to mass times light squared in order to support my finding of Space Time. But some not well-informed scientists or individuals versed in Physics attributed it to that historical extraordinary eternal man called Einstein. Why? I think and keep my words that some scientists are what I call: “scientist of books” or better said: “Book-Scientists” that are not capable of thinking by themselves but memorizing formulas, reciting formulas and not been capable of scientific reasoning by themselves. So, they turn into plagiarists by repeating as a parrot other scientific observation as either belonging to them or to someone else. And it hurts very deeply in a person who makes scientific observations and use other scientific findings to support their observations as I did in “Space Time” …permit me to make some correcting to those “Book-Scientists”: “Space Time” is the same all the time, just to make a comparison: Space is the first name and Time is the last name as in a person of which they carry different names but are the same person; example: Albert Einstein, different names still the same person, it is not: Albert-Einstein or Einstein Albert or Albert and Eistein. Got it? Please, respect others scientific observation and so give to God What Belongs to God and to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar. Thanks for your attentions.
…if so, let us start right here with my understanding why Climate Change is not man made yet climate change is real. Well, it seems I dict and contra-dict myself, but I don’t.
Plannet Earth (a planet inhabited by humans, if not, then just a planet) had gone through many stages of evolution that humans could compare with its own evolution from a simple cell organism into a much complex cell organism of which stages on thousand of thousands of years human evolution had gone through. It had been said that first it was the prokaryote non-cellular unit that turned into eukaryotes cell unit. That transition took millions of earth years. So did and still doing, climate change.
Earth orbit at its trajectory around its star (the Sun), makes that the starlight from its Sun arrives this plannet at different intensities and therefore it hits earth surface giving to it different degrees of warming to very a very hot one, its temperature. And its solstices together with earth orbit trajectory creates its seasons (four seasons: Summer and Winter and the ones in between: Autumn and spring).
As seen from Earth, the planet's orbital prograde motion makes the Sun appear to move with respect to other stars at a rate of about 1° (or a Sun or Moon diameter every 12 hours) eastward per solar day. Earth's orbital speed averages about 30 km/s (108,000 km/h; 67,000 mph), which is fast enough to cover the planet's diameter in 7 minutes and the distance to the Moon in 4 hours.
Note from Wikipedia: Earth's orbit is the trajectory along which Earth travels around the Sun. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 149.60 million km (92.96 million mi),[1] and one complete orbit takes 365.256 days (1 sidereal year), during which time Earth has traveled 940 million km (584 million mi).[2] Earth's orbit has an eccentricity of 0.0167.
Because of the axial tilt of the Earth in its orbit, the maximal intensity of Sun rays hits the Earth 23.4 degrees north of equator at the June Solstice (at the Tropic of Cancer), and 23.4 degrees south of equator at the December Solstice (at the Tropic of Capricorn).
The Geocentric Model on the position of Earth and the Sun is a false assumption that was supported by religion, anyone with a different view, were killed.
The Heliocentrism View on the position of Earth and the Sun is the real view, not assumption, that had already been supported by science and later observed after mans been able to travel into far space either with satellites (robots) or by itself (astronauts).
On Climate Change, there are natural factors, here shown, that caused the change in global froze and warming. Nuclear-explosions experiments had created a very small variant in “normal temp" changes that are affecting Earth seasons but are not causing that earth fluctuational changes eliminate human beings, just changing its known habitat regions climate phenomena from one type of region into another type of region, this is, to much humid or much dried regions seen in the amount of rain falling on the plannet and its temp. It is not causing the so-call climate change or its greenhouse change moving toward glacial eras.
What will cause glacial eras is the position of the Solar System in respect to its Milky Way Galaxy. Earth will enter a full Glacial State of a few billion years the same as it was before some billion years ago and then will re-enter back as it is as of now millions of years before humans were created on its Earth surface as the Solar System moves around its Black Hole, its center of the galaxy.
Earth wasn’t created at the same time along after the star-Sun’s was created, there were few planets created along, but Earth and others around the solar system the Sun System. Planet earth was an errant planet that passed by this known solar system, it displaced planet Mars to a further orbit and accommodated within: 149.60 million kilometer or 92.96 million miles from this known star: Sun. Mars was catapulted further by the gravitational Wave force of planet Earth (its gravitational waves which waves pushed Mars out off its position as the same if some one throw a heavy rock on a lake on which in its surface it has a chunk of wood floating on it, the chunk of floating wood is moved some place further from the falling rock on the lake as it just fall nearby the piece of chunk of floating wood until it, the wood, stabilizes some other distance, some place else. As Mars got too cold, its center core got cold too, 'cause of that Mars lost its magnetic field that used to protect it from cosmic waves. Then the cosmic waves took its turn and evaporated Mars surface water although some remained underground and some other water in its poles ‘cause it was frozen, was not evaporated by winds, space microwaves and all those gamma rays. As Mars center core cooled, Mars gravity decreased to the least. Other planets in the known Solar System, no matter its sizes, keep its center core melted and ‘cause they are so far from the direct effect of the Sunrays, it waters got frozen yet its under frozen water remain liquid due to the greenhouse effect created by the upper top iced water or any iced gases on its surface. It is like a thermo: frozen on top, liquid in between its center core and on its top sometimes some water of liquid hot gases spring via an orifice to the surface of the frozen top as it cracks; ejecting liquid water on top as slowly the very bottom of the iced water melt too, a cycle. Mars couldn’t do that, it didn’t have any external nearby large moon that would create a gravitational pull of its core to keep it soft and hot, warm enough moving within its center and then create a magnetic force with that large moon to yield heat to keep warm its water, but instead its water evaporated due to the circumstances of its position and lack of a large orbiting satellite to help it doing that above said.
Now see the below: Milky Way Galaxy.

Not all planets were or had ever been created as remnants of its stars but many had been created as remnants of its stars. Mercury and Venus are remnants of the Sun, not Earth or Mars. They were solo planets. Notice that the outer belt of the solar system there are a lot of iced rocks, made of pure water. The same there is another belt by the middle of the solar system, made of pure solid rock with some iced water rocks. Many millions of years ago they were solo planets that collided and ended in that position. Earth, it seems, was hit by one of those rocks of which part of it seems to be Earth moon. 'cause the Earth moon, Earth has a magnetic field, the moon keeps Earth center core melted as well as Earth Sun. The Sun gravity keeps many planets center core melted, thanks to that there is some core in Mars that is melted but not enough to create a strong gravity but weaker than Earth. Earth has two (2) very strong gravitational attractions: the Sun and the moon. The more moons, yet too far from the Sun gravitational pull, the moons compensate the different and keep the center core of the planet they circumvent, keeps it melted with a strong magnetic force of its gravity. It could be noticed in its polar aurora or aurora borealis on Earth how the Sun electrons hit Earth as the magnetic force of Earth center those Sun electrons on its poles. As very well known, that aurora are electrons are emanating from Earth Sun hitting Earth, but the Sun exerts a gravitational pull on Earth and keeps its center core moving toward the Sun and ‘cause of that it creates a magnetic field that moves from Earth pole to pole which then reflects the Sun cosmic rays such as microwaves and all those “God” particles emitted by the Sun, then protecting Earth itself from lethal radiation that would not permit living cells to be as it is known to be: molecules organized an having self-movement and “organized reproduction” and the creation of DNA, ‘cause “God” particle doesn’t permit the integration of DNA, it makes it malfunction, one of its problem is a very well know one: CANCEROUS CELLS, the Earth Sun expels a lot of “God” particles, it is composed mostly of that, that is what creates its plasma, it is mostly compose of: God particle that had already been created in the Large Hadron Collider of CERN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN Even a Galaxy has its own galactic aurora, via potent telescopes scientists and anyone could see that some Galaxies present a beautiful semi-circle colour light somewhere around distance Galaxies, Galaxies have too, a lot of powerful dispersed electrons around them. It reacts with dark energy causing galaxies to move apart away from dark energy, into Dark Matter in which it then, the Galaxy is dissolved from the outside as its Black Hole absolves it to its center and that's why the universe expand while nearby Galaxies attracts one to the other and make a larger one with as larger Black Hole that swallow it. Galaxies are affected from within (Black Hole) and from outside (Dark matter in which it expands) and dark energy that disintegrate it from the outside. The +electrons of dark energy could be seen when it meets the -electrons of Galaxies very similar to Earth aurora. That glowing light is the result of opposite energized electrons, they explode creating that light. Take and energized electrical cable and touch ground, the soil you are standing on it, it creates a strong...
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