Monday, December 17, 2018

My appologies to UK.

My appologies to UK.! Never seen, heard and paid attention to not just an expert in law, but to a person's planation, oratory and/or essay on the future of the United Kingdom and the Nations States of the European Union. ...I'm a blogger, writer and commentator of things around the world mostly US. But this gentleman monologues surpass any understanding or comprehension on how to handle the problem that had arisen in the United Kingdom, called: Brexit. I wrote one letter directed to UK: happens that the oratory or thinking of Judge at the General Court of the European Union addressing the withdraw of the UK from the EU, supports my "Open Letter to United Kingdom" and also it, his addressed discourse, respond to other very ugly said to UK when I call them: the Brexit Nation, former United Kingdom, he respond to my blog; I, with my hand placed on my chest do apologize to the people, to all politicians and its Majesties Queen and King on that commented made by me. Be it known that I am one great admirer to this kingdom, have the greatest respect to this historical and modern country that has contributed to the civilization of human beings on the surface of this planet ...yet I reserve the legitimate right to criticize the decision taken by the Brexit votes and within that critics have taken the opportunity to explain, in my personal feelings, what I have thought is a grave mistake taking that so-called Brexit step. That had been a way to indicate how wrong that step is based on so many historical documents in existence of the existence of nations and after analyzing the political advantages it gives to some nations that had been governed with iron hand, which nation is bulling other nations and taking their lands, nationalizing those land as if it were a mine of gold, a petroleum mine that foreigners exploit and share with the local government, sharing in mutual benefits. A nation is a sacred space to respect in any time of history, past, present and future for man to exist in peace and not in the execution of acts of wars. Wars are acts of prehistory beings, not of modern and civilized intelligent beings and that is why courts or tribunals as well as diplomacies and the likes is used in order to keep law and order. My very hard comment was emitted with that purpose. But it had been not comprehended because that is based on a lot of writings done on the existence of man's civilization and couldn't plot the written by me during more than ten (10) years expressing my observation on all humans. Anyway, my apologies.

…but will not stop my researches on racism, whom might be a racist and why this world is a world of racists. writing on the reason why UK is separating from EU. I haven't finished yet; it will take me some time to finished but UK Prime Minister already pointed why, my suspicions: racism: not people to become UK citizens if they don't look like them. Just the smartest and better, which people smartest and better belong or could be found in any other social group be them of the appearances the UK citizens look like or Africanus look like; so, the chosen ones will be Europeans, not Africanus. A classical form of racism. That above had been a suspicious impression on her, time will tell. Poor world, poor world. Man, never learn, war will never end, and competition will push all of the world into nuclear war, sooner or later. Later, I hope. Not now as I am still alive, wouldn’t like the taste of my predictions turned realities. Our Plannet Earth is in its primitive stage, still.

...because of these people, UK embraced Brexit.

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