Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Silk Road

The Silk Road.

It was a success century ago and will be a success as of now, more after US abandoned doing trade with the eastern nations when the King of errors, Donald J. Trump cut US-Eastern nations trade; it's been the best opportunity for China expand its trade further deeper with forgotten nations such as Laos, Cambodia and others.  Notice that USA, instead of strengthening international trade with these nations, USA is abandoning its trade with them.

China had succeeded in rooting its navy and air force further off its territories; China is rooting its navy and air force right in Africa; China is figuring out how to root its business directly from its government in Latin America and skipping US and/or Europe of been them the one that bring Chinese manufacturing to Latin America, and the Chinese are succeeding.  Slowly, many and many nations are going to start doing business directly to China and not importing or trading via our capitalist’s enterprise industries. The silk Road, which had proven beneficial to the west long time ago, will prove beneficial now.  While USA, this is, US, is sleeping in its laurel and the Group of 20 (with China in it) are doing dirty politics thinking they are the king of the land.  China is doing, making, building and enforcing its existence as a Communist Capitalist enterprise that seems to be better directed than all our Extreme Capitalist that are polluting Democracy and killing Democracy as if they are the "most have" thing of the world.  Germany, France, Spain and USA, Great Britain, Brazil, Australia and a lot of others are drunk parting or feasting their capital gains.  US is sleeping in its "Laurel"

China is winning the game.  Not only that, Great Britain is been cut off the super-strong European Union of which the European Union without Turkey in the future, will be conquered by China in respect to its economy as well as USA.

Democracy is in decadence, Democracy just started to die the day Donald J. Trump took over the governance of USA which President don't know, don't understand and don't comprehend that US is strong together with the rest of the world, America only is nothing.  Divide and win, is what's is done in a war.  China doesn't have to fire a bullet to win this war, Donald J. Trump is firing the bullets that will make China win, 'cause this man doesn't know what a social fabric is.  In today advances in tech, the world is a delicate social fabric, together.

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