Sunday, October 07, 2018



Easiest it is to do wrong than right.

A man is judged by what he/she says and does, more for what’s done than said.

Knowledge is learnt, experience is earned.

Beauty exists in the eyes of the viewer, knowledge in the learner.

Yet knowledge and hate are learnt, the first enlightens, the second destroys.

Now, let’s do our things of the living:

This work is done with the intensions to show how ignorance and racism as well as hate and others social-spirited emotions hampers the life of a human, his family and relatives when the laws created to punish the “law-breaker” is created with the same essence described here below.

Humans, Prejudice, Ignorance and Hate… then, accusation or war.

After a comma, next word is to be written with “small letter” …that’s the rule in grammar, of the English Language.

Anyone who doesn’t follow that rule doesn’t know the language and will be set to: some critique, rejected or sentenced as not educated or low in knowledge.  But not here with me.  Here you either are mastering the language or learning the language, not the other way.

That is what prejudice is.  That is what ignorance is.  That is what hate is: accusations or wars.

If a person has a diploma, whatever that person says is to be attention-paid, interpreted and judged as something worth to analyze but, if the same thing is said by a person who never been in school, an illiterate individual, he or she is a person of the low class of our society.  If the said comes out of the mouth of a politician, he or she is said of them, “I love that metaphoric way of expression” …I would vote for it …got my vote.

The same way it is withing a social human group: from poor ignorant girls to poor people on her same socio-economic situation or vice-versa, been the vice-versa on the side of the less in the more or less.


A man is accused of committing a sexual act against a woman, worst if the woman is under 18 years old.  Many few times it is the woman who gives herself to be abused by a man, any man and she is under 18 years old; as in the case of a young high school woman, let’s give her the age of 15 in this anecdote exampled here: …in the year 1982 or the year 1992 a young beautiful woman goes to a high school party special celebrated by high school young girls and boys.  This is a special party at which girls, consciously know that been there, is for the boys present to do sex with them.  Happens that our unknown girl gets drunk, she is conscious of her age, she is conscious of the purpose of the party and she’s been in parties like that before.  Her parents don’t know or ignore she goes to those parties with that intension of exposing herself to be “raped” which in reality, yet it is called in the future “rape”, it is a premeditated wanted situation by the so-called victim.  As years pass by, the girl becomes a good university professional with a doctorate degree in a special science, be it Psychology, Engineering or Medicine …she’s a professor over there.

Happens too, that one of the students in that high school party, had been many times in parties like that, he, on that time was 17 years old but, as of now, he is a well matured professional high in success in his carrier, let’s say a judge, as could be in this written word, could be said he is a doctor.

…cause that former high school person existed on the epoch of the young beautiful girl been “raped’ the girl assumed it was him, had to be him” …”cause some one had to be and that is her scapegoat in order to feel free of that abhorrent situation she submitted herself at that age, time and space which she could not explain otherwise. And political motives, as well as to be of some gain for those that claim to be anti-abortionists mostly religious people had to be exploited. Note: anti-abortion methods were mostly used in Christian convents centuries ago to abort nuns that got pregnant during their stays at those convents, there was time ago, a woman pope that lived as a male pope and got pregnant too.  Hypocrisies is highly practiced in most religious believes.  The USA constitution prevents the direct or indirect influence of any church onto the people laws.  So, any politician that responds to any religious interest, is violating the Magna Carta.

…any way, a substantial position was offered to the judge, one of the highest in the nation but, suddenly, a woman, from nowhere, appears in the news suggesting that judge “raped” her on the time more or less as referred above in this story, with no proof of whatever, just the proof that, that she was drunk and a high school student -said by herself in a Congressional argument- was rape, possible by that now prestigious judge.

True it is that both situations did happened within very close space and time of the epoch.

And the way laws elaborated to protect women, are very strict.  Those laws are done due to the experiences that are already well known of too many women abused by men.  To correct that, some politicians got together and approved one of the strictest laws that punishes men, yet without proof: her words are enough proof if use against a man, any men of any age at any time of her “miserable life” when suggested to that abuse.

…in the case said above, the woman could be as of now, 51 years old and the man, a judge, could be more or less 57 years old.  In this peculiar story said here, both, the man and woman, have a very high social quality of live.  The man has a beautiful wife, beautiful and wonderful child or children and that’s all the man does: impart justice for all.  But there is a but worth to mention here: the man philosophy is that opposite to the “religious philosophy of many religion: a woman shall let be free to decide whether to abort or not on her own will, not any public institution wish, such as in Christian Churches; churches opposed abortion at any cost.

…be it known, that some constitution of many places, forbid politicians legislate laws to control churches, any church and order that, in the case of USA, laws not to be influence by churches believes (different churches professes different believes and some religious believes dictate how to make civilian and criminal laws to control the population of that region and others around the world).

In the following link, it is explained with much details the situation if a women has or not the right to decide for abortion or not, during her pregnancy for, she is one entity of the whole, its part, she is unique, a self, not the whole and therefore inherits one of the most valuable things on this world: infallible-omniscient human rights unless the person is not capable of reasoning at which some one else must decide for her due to her age or mental condition.;postID=6986393455914283257;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=11;src=postname

…what would have had happen if the man were not accepted for the new high social gov position? …well, hate and other social-spirited emotions would hamper the life of that human, his family and relatives by the laws created to punish the “law-breaker” as described with the essence narrated here above.

…simple as that: his life, future, morality and family would had had been suggested to the most vicious social abuses done by ignorant and racists of a lot of evil-uneducated vulgar people.  That person would have to beg for money to support his family, for most jobs would had been denied to him as referred on the reason above, for he would have a public record published in the internet as “rapist” and women abuser.  Some women and some men would enjoy pointing their finger to this now Honorable Judge, not an honorable one, but an evil person as presented via the internet with many other sentences view on gov sites and reproduced and published by non-gov sites in violation of actual national and local laws.

…I ask, to the now high-class woman whom accused the judge: is it worth what you did? …ask your conscious again and again.  God help you if your belief is in such a thing; and hope you sleep with a clear conscience if not a God believer.

…and to the now Honorable Judge: impart justice, not politics, prejudice ‘cause it is “Easiest it is to do wrong than right.

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