Saturday, October 27, 2018

Poorest – Poverty - Rich – Super rich – Mega rich.

Poorest – Poverty -  Rich – Super rich – Mega rich.

When the government creates a note and gives to it a value, let’s say “one dollar (in USA), that note is worth for that government X unknown value, as long it stays in the market passing from hand to hand.  The more its users “consume” that note of one (its value), the more income it creates for the government.  If the note is used to buy a pair of shoes and it passes on (the note), the same note produces more values for the gov., but when the new user/owner buys food and then from that food its dispatcher makes money, as it goes back to the hand of the user/worker by getting paid with that note and the tax of the value of one note is .0825 % of the note, of which the new user/owner pays tax too; see this:

A pair of shoes for $100 paid $8.25 (eight dollars and 25 cents or so in tax to the government.  This is .0825 cents/dollars a net income to the government of .0825 cents

+ 10 lbs. of sugar (food for the family on the second user/owner on behalf of the gov (no tax included)  the government has a zero-net income.

+ $250 paid/week to one user/owner for him to handle the delivery of that shoe; the money involved also paid taxes to the governments where he/she commute/lives something as $0.0825 cents of a dollar or $8.25 out of one hundred dollars used.  Others gov get money too.  Let’s stop here.

For just one note (a dollar) the government got 16 cents and a half of one cents in its value,  ‘cause it was shared, it passed from a hand to a new hand, and still the note keeps its value of one note to be used by others "user/owner".

If the money is saved at the user/owner home in a box, that money is not generating income to the government ‘cause it'd been saved/pause.  But if put in a bank, the bank put it to generate income at a higher percentage than the government and they don’t own that money.

The government has to emit much more notes in order to get back a income of the least for the more, just for sifting from hand to hand; this is more for least from the user/owner, not from the banker, for they have no money but it is other user/borrower who has the bank money working for the bank and producing more money for both: the government and the bank, whether the new or same user/borrower consumed the money or not.

Here is where poverty takes over: the government doesn’t gain any money when the user/owner saves the money in his home.  If the user/owner saves the money in a bank, the new user has to pay much of the money taken from the bank, it doesn’t belong to the bank; the user/borrower is a machine that is forced to be a producer of money for the bank while the government doesn’t force the user/owner to do that.  In respect to the bank, the user/borrower turns to be a slave but, in reference to the government, the user/owner is a free man.

On the above said, there is a collaboration between the gov and banks to always the gov gets money out of its emitted notes.  Therefore, the gov does give much priorities to the bank than to the user/owner or user/borrower.  This correlation would goes smooth with no social handicap to the user of any money but, when the bank loses alone without any governmental “watchdog”, 'cause of mishandling of money in banks, inflation takes over the user/owner or user/borrower money, debts goes bigger and biggest for the user/owner or user/borrower for he/she has to produce much more whether they like it or not while for the gov the user/owner/borrower produces at his/her will when possible if so they wish, not for the bank, the user loose all his investments.

Banks then becomes handlers of governments and governments respond to the interest of the banks, not its people, they, in the case of USA: “We the People…” corrupt politicians, the mafia, malevolent business people and all kind of “anti-Christ” people goes to the gov and banks to make money, money and more money (anti-Christ people are greed people that don’t care for any social enterprise taken by any institution in order to help in creating a better society, see below those enterprises).

By coping and pasting, put the above link in Microsoft words 365 and then right click in “tell me what you want to do", then click in "read aloud" to listen to the work, just listen to it.  Enjoy.

...this is: open words 365 from Msft. put this link in there, and then click open.  Will be ready to be read for you, Msft use AI to read the above.  Possible, Google has it too by sharing Msft "read aloud" ...if so, right click on the work above, "read aloud" will start reading for you.  Google it in Google apps, they might have it too, it's better to listen at it than to read by yourself.  Enjoy listening than reading.

...if none of the above works: just open the link by pressing on "Ctrl" of your keyboard, keep it pressed and click with your mouse on the link above, it will open in into Wikisource.  Now right click and select in the rectangular windows that open up select: "all". All of the work will be shaded, now right click and copy. Next open your word document (word doc) and right click on it to past the work already copied, you will see the work opened, see it all well-organized.  From here on, it could "listen" by clicking on top of the frame of your opened doc, right click on internal small search rectangular windows, it will show: "tell me what you want to do", click inside the search symbol that shows: read aloud, it’s a left click to open that, it will start to read the doc for you.  Note, when in read aloud, keep pressing for very short time as to give Msft AI time to insert everything in its AI.  It will start reading, from then on, by itself.  This AI has many tricky things that you would learn as becoming familiar with it.  Remember, Google has it too.  Cross my heart.  They share the app from AI.  This work could be read directly from there with AI. Or just read directly from this: Google blog.  Again, enjoy it!
Caution: don’t open any link unless you trust the location which it created

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