Saturday, October 06, 2018

The lost war.

The lost war to be.

Due to  the inexperience of the Commander in Chief and his personal use of the United States Government to enrich himself, the United States of America had created two fronts of wars,  China and Russia.

China had advanced in fast steps in conquering most of South China Seas and Russia in getting a foothold in Syria in order to expand its exit into the Atlantic Ocean for future uses of his planned expansion of his military capability which is taking hold, too, via its tactics of “Hybrid war”.

Permit me to tell on China first.

The lost war.

Europe and the United States of America had provided China with trillions of dollars by moving a lot of its business machineries to the heartland of Communist China.  This started in the Nixon era.  That President of US, Nixon, stopped the commercial impediment of "exporting techs to China".  Then followed the Super- rich investors that grabbed the opportunities given by USA gov, to invest in that nation followed by Europe that is trying to convert, all of its region, a whole continent, into a Federation of States now called: The European Union.  This new Federation had entered into chaos after one of them, a very strategic region, Great Britain, started to exit from the feeble created union and the USA started to favor the super-rich, accosting its best neighbors whom the USA makes business and depends on it such as Mexico, Canada, Germany and many others with very tied relations to America and the USA President, Donald J. Trump favoring and been enamored of the Government of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

On the above know, China, speedily, had grabbed a large portion of the South Asian Seas by creating superficial Islands in the Spratly Islands; these are traditional fisheries island used internationally for small business on fisheries.

China, a country that has a very large poor population, and which nation is getting very rich after the Nixon era government started giving licenses to the super-riches people of America and around the world other super-riches individual by granting them the rightful legacy of creating advanced devices and taking them to Europe, The United States of America, Latin America and all of Africa including all of Minor and Major Eastern World in order for the super-rich becoming mega-rich.

The above had cost, mostly The United States of America, a big unbalance budget which in turn had cost weakness in its military strategic deployment around the world with the sole purpose of protecting all free nations on the planet.  This nation, US, had overspend the cost of maintenance of its military machineries on the Air force, Navies Land and Seas and its Terrestrial Military in such a way, that had to tax its people in a manner of such form, that is choking all of them with exemption the super-riches that all the elected governments had refused to tax too, passing the burden solely to the middle class and the poor …and then, as of now, yielding a very large quantity of money, not to the middle class and the poor, but to the super-richest of its population and to any big investors making business in USA.

The government of USA, had began to put in its heart of directing that government, people with zero experience and related field of knowledge far, far off the needed field to govern and command a institution from schools to scientific departments such as environmental department, and worst of all, the American people, started to sleep on its laurel of exit in business, the American people started to elect non-low class of politicians, which is the worst of them, from Senators to the President of USA.

China and Russia are taking advantages of that and started to scissor the world on their benefits in exchange of nothing and luring other nations that had fall off USA and Europe influences and becoming independent and not knowing what to do with that independency but to abuse and exploit their own.

…to be continued

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