Sunday, October 14, 2018

See a real example of what it is a: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome.

See a real example of what it is a: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome.

...anything could be seen in America: a black man rewarding other man who is openly a racist, against black people.  This is a typical demonstration of a "Narcissistic Victim Syndrome"

Apparently nobody cares about him. He was going in and out making sense and then not making sense and he was overly emotional. This isn't funny anymore and it hasn't been funny for a very long time!

it is funny that people are saying kayne has stained the oval office with his potty mouth when we all know what billy stuck in monica's mouth in that office

Here, someone is suffering of the new so-called: “Narcissistic Victim Syndrome”, which is a person who identifies with his victimizer.  This happens as a way to protect oneself by admiring its victimizer or by joining the victimizer expecting not to be harmed by he or she.

"When a man or woman suffers from a condition named Narcissistic Personality Disorder, they display patterns of deviant or abnormal behaviour that is so bad, that it creates carnage on those people who are unfortunate enough to have a close relationship with  them.

The dysfunctional behaviour involves such callous exploitation of their victims that it has given birth to a new condition known as Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (or Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome).   While plenty has been written medically about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), little or nothing has been written about Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVD).  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association, and it is considered the “bible” for all professionals,  covers NPD extensively. However DSM-IV has not written anything about the effects on those who live or work with the narcissist’s torturous behaviours, and the consequences of that behaviour on the mental health of the victim.  Thanks to the dedicated work of many psychotherapists, it has become clear that a set of detectable characteristics occur when working with victims of narcissistic abuse. The good news is that American therapists are calling for the recognition of this syndrome to be included in the next Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V, to be published in 2013), in the hope  that all therapists will be given standard guidelines for formulating a way of working with this syndrome." See:

These two pics are classical example of the “Narcissistic Victim Syndrome”  …should know that Trump is a racist (based on his acts at the black people, Latinos, Asians and the likes) …black people were heavily abused in the past.  Trump is German descendant of a first generation, his father was a German immigrant who establish here in America an work hard, made a small fortune of which Trump inherited and then by doing suspicious business before and as a President, increased his estate.  It is suspected he, Trump, did business with the Russian mafia, exploited immigrants he hired as cooks at his business and avoided paying taxes to the federal, state and city taxes while pocketing all that money.

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