Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Power In government: "The United States of America".

Does American politicians play "House of Cards" when get the power in government?

House of Cards is a movie published by NETFLIX, a movie presenter, but as watching this fictional thing ...and knowing of all the malicious treacheries used by President Trump while in government, and following most of his campaign before winning the USA elections of 2016 and researching on other USA governments such as that of Bill Clinton ...this below goes to life... "Does American politicians play "House of Cards"?

...yet it is a movie, it carries a lot of similarities to the American System of how politicians carry politics in the American Society. 

This will be next presentation of Power In government: "The United States of America".

-workin' on that, next: actors: Donald J. Trump, Hillary Clinton and others.

Meanwhile, the FBI is questioning most ones related with the government of President Donald J. Trump and news critics are publishing stories on the Government of President Bill Clinton:

There are others “House of Cards”: Russia’s, China’s, France’s, England’s and more
...working on that. Wait ...and see.

To be continued (politics is a lie).

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