Saturday, May 19, 2018

browsing “YouTube”

I was browsing “YouTube”

…got irritated in an educated manner, so, decided in making muck of someone, after all, I’m not perfect and answered this way.

Pinned by End Time Prophecy

Click here to protect your loved ones:  


...WOW, you should be hired by the Pentagon, the FBI and CIA as advisor to all of them, and just forgot, should be name advisor to all and any American presidents, to the United Nations, NATO and all of the European Union. You are a genius, yes you are. But I don't buy you. Belief me sir!

These videos are a joke. You're only scaring people into buying your books. Videos like these are basically explaining how to knock America back into the dark ages to better fit your income.. I've watched your recent videos and they all lead to one thing "Buy our books"

HalleluYAH 1 month ago • Oh give me a break they already know the EMP attack is going to happen American governments the globalist the zionists want this to happen they want to kill off Society please stop with the BS you're probably one of them

No Fear! Trust No Fallible Man Nor Woman...Only Trust In Christ Jesus🛐💖Stay diligent in Jesus and pray daily for mercy protection for Our Lord And Savior Christ Jesus Is Our Messiah, Our Protector and Our Redeemer 🛐💖

No Fear!Trust No Fallible Man Nor Woman...Only Trust In Christ Jesus🛐💖Stay diligent in Jesus and pray daily for mercy&protection for Our Lord And Savior Christ Jesus Is Our Messiah, Our Protector and Our Redeemer

...hee, hee, haah! I love to hear of people thinking like that and that's why I've been praying for years to get the Lotto. Hope some day I get it. Who knows? Oh Jesus, help me to be rich and I promise, I promise I'll love you much more, really, much more ...just make me rich. Show me how to cheat on this people that think and love you and do anythings for you. Help me to cheat on them. AMEN.

Hey at least I won't have to pay bills Any more

...nor me too. I pay large bills on electricity each and every month. I would save all that money to by a solar panel roof device and an electric car!

...hee, hee, haah! I love to hear of people thinking like that and that's why I've been praying for years to get the Lotto. Hope someday I get it. Who knows? Oh Jesus, help me to be rich and I promise, I promise I'll love you much more, really, much more ...just make me rich. Show me how to cheat on this people that think and love you and do anything for you. Help me to cheat on them. AMEN.

This is true the Bible tells you, but people ignore the Bible, but time is the master and we shall see.

...yes, time will show me and others non-believers. But when that time comes in, I'll be dead long ago. That's why I don't believe in prophecies... do you? Yes? Wow, you're doom. Give me a Bible, and I'll show you its lies. First lie: that thing so-call "God" is the first lie, here first thing goes first. Second, your God did not write the Bible. The Bible was written by opium users call now prophets; opium was very popular on that time. Smoked some of it and go to the mass and tell them: that God left a message to the people; in it, they presented the people to obey the word of God (really, their own words) and so, the elderly could govern better and for longer time raping, abusing and collecting taxes to the "plebe", the people. Politics did not work so well, but war, body to body; religious preaching did the work. Ignorance was too popular, that the best way to overthrow a king, was just preaching the word of your God. Each nation had a God ...China had its own God, so did the aborigine of America and those of Asia. They still have their God. Still now many in the Muslin community do that: belief me or die. So, the best way to make one God to be the real God of all people, was by killing them. So, the inquisition was created, people were place inside a hollow metal animal and fire was place under the metal animal to burn the person alive, so sending a message to others non-believer like me, to follow that religion or else; you could hear the metal bull-sound crying of pain, suffering been cooked alive. That was done by the people of your God. Now it is prohibited and people like that put to jail for the rest of their lives. So, the only way to convince others to follow your "god" is by preaching lies, lies and lies the same as our master lies of all lies now President of USA. Permit me to tell you, and excuse me too: dumb people are not too abundant as when Jesus was alive. If Jesus were alive now, he'd be in a circus making magics to support himself or be unemployed for the rest of his life. Might be, collecting welfare.

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