Sunday, May 27, 2018

Comment made to explain the importance of zero position in the scale of infinite at which so many physicists get confused

Comment made to explain the importance of zero position in the scale of infinite at which so many physicists get confused.

…zero doesn't exist ...but -infinite and +infinite, zero is in between at which infinite is never reached, so nothing-ness never existed.  Just infinite bordered by the not valued of 0.  It is an irony for nothing-ness never existed, but something-ness which is infinite.  This mean the Universe was created from nothing-ness into something-ness: from zero to matter. Start counting from 9 to 1, then further down, decreasing until you end up with a photon: this is, has zero rest mass and zero charge.  It is its own antiparticle; that's why infinite takes photon as zero.  Dark energy is part of Matter, not matter but one of its parts most abundant in the Universe and Multiverse.  Or see it like this: matter is part of Dark energy, this is, Matter contains its own energy level that were part of Dark matter and that’s why it gave origin to the Big Bang.   Photons separate any Universe at which if matter is placed in, it creates self-destruction for Multiverses are sent apart one from the other as well as galaxies.  Important to mention here that galaxies implode from within as they explode from the outside (one galaxy moves away from its distance galaxies while the nearest ones are attracted one to the other due first, dark energy and second, gravity ...only matter contains baryons).  Within Multiverse, more Galaxies are created that as more and more are forms, more Universe enter into existence and the above written here repeat and repeat endless-ly thanks to the non-value of zero or infinite.

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