Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A quake, as in Quackery …but in history.

A quake, as in Quackery …but in history.

...in Russia, on time of their king, and on the reason that one of their king had a daughter with very small feet, the king ordered that all new born babies their feet be wrapped up with bandage or linen for some years to force their feet not to grow as for the king daughter not to be the only one in the population with small feet.

...in ancient Egypt, kings' descendants wrapped up their top head to make their cranium [1. The bony or cartilaginous framework that encloses and protects the brain and sense organs of all vertebrates and of one group of nonvertebrate (the hagfishes); cranium.] look different from the rest of the population and for they to know that they were the king´s family heir to the throne and descendants of gods.  Similar technique were used by the Mongols part of the Celtic or Barbarous that wanted to mix with the western civilization but the Romans didn't want to accept them which cost the invasion of Rome by the Barbarous; those at which their face were flat as most Chinese are as of today, wrapped up their upper part of their head to shape it much closer to other Barbarians, which in turn deformed much more their heads.  Remember, Celtics and Aryans as a lot of others were Barbarous (barbarous didn't have a specific ethnicity, any social niche could join them an be part of them: Celtics or Aryans.  And go on invading, destruction and raping of other civilizations. 

...on giant skeletons (not mentioned here but in other presentations), there are hormones excess secretions that create gigantism (1. (Pathology) Also called: giantism excessive growth of the entire body, caused by over-production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland during childhood or adolescence. Compare acromegaly -from the "Free Dictionary by Farlex-

...on lifting very heavy stones (working on that).

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