Monday, March 11, 2024

¿Existe riesgo de que Rusia y la OTAN entren en guerra, a pesar de la am...

...troops on boots in Ukraine from Occident, will force Putin in thinking twice and stopping its aggression to Ukraine and others in the near or distance future. He understand the use of force, nothing else. Putin wants to conquer former Russia's satellites lands before he dies to turn into Russia's honored hero. Reply @FreedomsDmocracy1st @FreedomsDmocracy1st 0 seconds ago it known that before a nuclear war, there will be a conventional Third Wide War that Russia is going to lose, and at that stage, Russia will try to use conventional tactical nuclear bombs which will be a prelude to use nuclear bombs for War World 3 if Occident does not show Russia that they have it too and use that against Russian' soldiers to force Putin to backup and make a treaty on stopping its aggression.

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