Tuesday, April 26, 2022

...Houston, we got problems.

 Buying Twitter, Elon Musk Will Face Reality of His Free-Speech Talk

…Houston, we got problems.

Might be most people are wrong and I am right …how comes?

Free speech is one of the columns of Democracy but… it does not mean anyone could tell whatever they please.

The dilemma:

Permit me to tell this: you readers are a f…ck.  This is very much of an insult conveyed to unknown people.  People, anyone, deserves respect. Of course, some few, assuming, would not care yet some of the most would.


Decency had been a rule in existence for years and years passed and years and years to come. It is thought that it is a rule.  With today technology, people had been able to express their emotions and their physical state of being.  Am good, you are bad. Care for me but do not care for you; or am bad, you are good. Care for you but do not care for me.  And the complexity in mixing up the statement in many manners or form as Good we are, bad them all and the blah, blah, blah of manners in mixing that.

If FREE SPEECH IS FORBIDEN, this could happens falling into a state of dictatorship. If FREE SPEECH IS ESTABLISHED WITH NO RESTRICTIONS, this could happen, falling in a state of chaos.

So, there should be something that limits FREE SPEECH …and that is the understanding that other people shall be treated with some degree of respect in order to gain their side, this is, their support.  Could someone go to war to fight against a so-call enemy with a co-fighter suppose to be your friend being an enemy too?  Or should someone go to war to fight against a so-call friend with a co-fighter supposing it is your enemy too?

FREE SPEECH is not free speech if there are no morals inside it, it is LIBERTINAGE.  Permit me to put an example here from “TheFreeDictionary by Farlex”: References in classic literature

Only, her mental excesses were theoretical, hedged in by so much humane feeling and conventional reserves, that they amounted to no more than mere libertinage of thought; whereas the other woman, the governess of Flora de Barral, was, as you may have noticed, severely practical--terribly practical.

Why shouldn't a governess have passions, all the passions, even that of libertinage, and even ungovernable passions; yet suppressed by the very same means which keep the rest of us in order: early training--necessity--circumstances--fear of consequences; till there comes an age, a time when the restraint of years becomes intolerable--and infatuation irresistible


So, as could be expected here, FREE SPEECH, could turn into a state of intolerance toward other people, endangering their health, physical state of been and damaging their live, even provoking their death.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH is not free speech but the calling for chaos if there is no rule to subject it which is respect.

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