Thursday, April 21, 2022 not against any party's official member not against any party's official member, it means, am not against any political directors. Am against the absolute stupidity of so many people who are supposed to elect someone or ones, which would direct the destiny of over 350,000,000 residents of this USA Country in benefit of all, but they vote to benefit either a party or a small group of people ...many times just a person as if they are Gods or part of Gods.

Voting should be given to anyone who works in favor to US all, Black people, whites, Asians, Latinos, Chinese and all those either resident or citizens who do work to benefit its families, its neighborhood, everyone ...not just as above said.

Those voting just to benefit some people, are the ones called here: absolute stupid.

What is to be intelligent, it is doing things to benefit without discriminating anyone even though there are times when some people are discriminated, but the original intention does not evolve around that, so, correcting the situation by creating other laws, actions, decisions to correct specific situations.

...petty should many of “We the People…” should feel when due to fanatism, ignorant, moral analphabetism (lacking morals, not been self-trained in moralities and lack of feelings toward others), many of ourselves, commit abuses toward others and do not find a way to fix that.

The pic in here is put with the purpose to enlighten Democracy in USA, if in other country, it would have that country flag instead of US

Follow the Flag.

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