Monday, April 11, 2022


“Spheres of influence between the Western world and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.” …as written in

So, this below been explained in the Blog above: Putin’s generals and Putin himself are doing the impossible to destroy Ukrainians Why Russians, via Putin’s generals and Putin himself are doing the impossible to destroy Ukrainians? Here the answer. If the Ukrainians would turn into a neutral geopolitical territory, Russia would have an open market to present its own products rather than been the West and that of USA. Russia would have a great top amount of dollars. Business interchange would be splendor for the Russian gov. and cultural sharing would be enhanced in such a way, that Russia’s influence, through time, would be of the same as Ukrainians interest so, reinforcing the psychological common interest of Russian's been shared by Ukrainian, creating that, after many years, a mighty Russia’s Empire. There would be four leading geopolitical groups: Russia, China, Europe and last: US. …but things did not work as such, so watch this commentary, watch it in full to understand all the above said or expressed in just one notion:

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