Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Z. Putin war, sorrow to Eastern and Western Russia, did Julius Caesar see this video? Of course not! has no time cuz he, Putin, is first killing people like the one in this video.

That Julius Caesar does not recognize that Ukrainians fought for the existence of Russia in World War 2.  Listen to the story of one of this descendance. Kill yourself, be the judge. Do not be a Putin's Z https://youtu.be/wh84hrS5mm4

This girl's family, her antecedents, were UKRAINIANS who fought in WW2, protecting what is now the Federation of Russia, her grandmother is pure Ukrainian as are some of her parents.  If you see the video, would understand how much wrong the actual Russia's President is

Am living awful life
Note: this is a girl is from the countryside of Russia. She is a poor decent human claiming, in her way: stop this war, our people are being killed cuz the wrong philosophy not understood by this President of Russia.  He is wrong!  He is killing people that are a mix of different ethnicity! Killing Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. Am one of that mixing of ethnic, this man is killing me! My descendants!
But she tells the above in natural simple thinking, yet it is interpreted here what she means.
This girl is telling what is in her SOUL!  She's suffering.

...Please, don't kill us!
Someone is killing my family!
Am Belarus and Ukrainian descendant!
Am crying blood from my eyes.
Please world, help my people cuz I can't!
(Note: this is this girl soul interpretation of her second video; she is a sheepherder, she Laboure in the hills of Russia, peasant: laborieux n.
A person who herds sheep, especially on an open range, a shepherd.

LABORIEUX, EûSE, adj. LABORIEûSEMENT, adv. [Laborieû, eû-ze, eû-zeman; 4e lon. 5e e muet.] Laborieux, qui est de grand travail. Il se dit des persones et des chôses. "Homme laborieux, femme laborieûse. "Vie, entreprise laborieûse. = Laborieûsement, avec beaucoup de peine et de travail. "Il passe sa vie fort laborieûsement.
   Rem. Quoique laborieux se dise des chôses, il ne se dit pas de toutes les chôses, même de toutes celles qui concernent la persone. On dit, des recherches laborieûses; et l'Acad. dit, une entreprise laborieûse; mais je ne voudrais pas dire avec le Dict. de Trév. que: "un Dictionaire est un ouvrage bien laborieux: j'aimerais mieux dire, bien pénible.

Jean-François Féraud's Dictionaire critique de la langue française © 1787-1788)

Laborieux means: does labor, a person that works in the countryside, a person who does work, this is, a blue collar individual that work depending on that land: Laborieux, mostly on the hills, red neck, campesino who labours the land either the land itself or growing food or caring animals such as sheep, cows, horses etc.; etc., etc.

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