World War 3 may just have been prevented by the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Mar 8, 2022
9.38K subscribers
Sanctions on Russia have all but collapsed its economy. If the same sanctions were placed on China, it would be disastrous and extreme. Subscribe to The Newsroom Explains: Read the article at
...history repeats: Leader • 1922–1924 Vladimir Lenin[c] • 1924–1953 Joseph Stalin[d] • 1953[f] Georgy Malenkov[e] • 1953–1964 Nikita Khrushchev[g] • 1964–1982 Leonid Brezhnev[h] • 1982–1984 Yuri Andropov • 1984–1985 Konstantin Chernenko • 1985–1991 Mikhail Gorbachev[i] Vladimir V. Putin 1991-2022 after the European Union and the USA posted a Universal Embargo 2022-thereafter: Russia's Democratization been mobilized by its citizens with heavy support by its military linked together to avoid the disintegration of Russia as a Nation State. Putin whereabout unknown. It is presumed he is dead ...if alive he been sent off Russia and is under custody, isolated and not decision had been taken whether he'll see a Russian tribunal after its new gov is formed. On all count, some militaries are deciding whether he better be dead to avoid any posible revolt by small hard to die militaries. USA and Europe are reassuring he is dead by now, decision taken by the new military waiting the formation of the new gov.
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Putin's biggest mistake wasn't just attacking Ukraine, it was attacking it's civilians. He forgot how much Western people are offended by that, since he clearly isn't. Talk about being out of touch with reality. I hope he doesn't live to regret it.
Chad Valentine
Good to know that everyone is so entwined now that acts of aggression ultimately smash the aggressor. Good!
Thanks for uniting the west again and scaring China Putin, we were getting really distant and comfortable with dictatorships next to us