Thursday, March 03, 2022

This is the time…


This is the time…


...this is the time when any and all countries that used to be part in association with the now dead Soviet Union, this is the time, when they have to strongly unite and send soldiers to fight shoulder to shoulder against Russia, including food, ammunitions, tanks and advance armaments, if not, wait and see when Russia start not invading them all, but hacking their military institutions, attacking them with confusing ill propaganda and infiltration agitators in their gov, into the people and via radio false propaganda so changing their future elections to gain a pro-Russian gov; all that after, renouncing NATO and making association with Russia (a war won without using a single bullet); see Belarus, that is the best example. ?! Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? Polonia, Moldova, and any other former Soviet Union associated land? Putin knows them all, Putin, remember, is a very astute individual, he dreams to bring back the Soviet Union yet with a distinct name: Russia Empire as the "Union of Confederated Republics"...Vladimir will find a name, an appellative name, he will. Possession of unusable thousands of nukes, he will find some use to all of them by making belief NATO, Europe and USA are scared of the probability to be used by him himself to destroy them: the West. Vladimir V. Putin is a guru with false propaganda. The President of Ukraine is asking for volunteers to come into the country and fight now before it is too late. Liberating Ukraine is stopping a nuclear future war cuz Putin would learn that his tactic is all to fail. Civilians could fight Vladimir; it should not be armies only. Hitler is reviving within him. This is the time; the time is now ...the time is now ...the time is...

It is the time.

...this is a temporally publication of a not finished investigation.

...this work was not to be published but, after it was found out that Putin's militaries bombarded Chernobyl (note: it was not Chernobyl, it was the largest nuclear plant located in Ukraine and the largest in all of EU power plant that feed Ukrainians with electricity, Chernobyl runs a different story), it was found that Vladimir V. Putin wants to make all those civilians, Ukrainians, radioactive, so they all die in nearby future.  Why? He feels the war is taking a different course not on his benefit but doing that just in case.

Vladimir V. Putin did not expect NATO to be a Pandora Box.

...note: this work was written around seven or ten days ago and after "it is the time", this portion was added, and it was concluded to be publish as of now. conclude this work, this part had been added, dated: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 21:02 ...

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