Saturday, June 27, 2020

"here comes the troublemaker"

…my introduction to my own grass of suggestions.

This is this: call myself “here comes the troublemaker” when I go to “Suggestions” in the any Windows program, I think their software engineers already know “who the heck is that thing?” cuz always use that term.  And I like it cuz the purpose of the term is to cuz a like emotion in these programmers of the work on tech art, design and algorithm of those people involved (real scientists in algorithmic creationist doing work to enhance human living to the best). And protecting users off mean malicious pirates known as hackers including some philosophical ill-conceived regimes.
Windows is a platform rich in clip arts hard to find now of one or two decades ago of such thing, I think, and as a Msft trouble maker cuz I give heavy work for their AI engineers, I suggest: Windows’, so to the point: they should have a special "click in" for users to download any clip art ever created by Msft in its Windows.  It would give users the rare chance, opportunities and power, to write documents using those marvelous icons of "Clip Art" in words documents in excel, pic in pic own other software’s, comments, bloggings and all the grass users use to bombard the public with researches, comedies, critics of their politicians, musicians, other commentators conclusion: let us wake up the AI power of Windows.
-the same goes to my loved G-

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