Sunday, June 28, 2020

...yes, there is climate change

Biosphere 2.
…yes, there is a climate change.

And nature is fighting for its survival against humans as human do not understand.
The world structure is a super strong natural environment that had been created through billions of years ending up in what it is today.  It is not that humans are destroying the environment, it is that the environment is changing by itself due to natural selection but, and there is a big but, industrialization is not letting that natural selection take shape, just only slowing down that change; then nature is forcing humans to slow down the negative super industrialization of nature by setting quakes, floods, marequakes (mare quakes -tsunamis and wild fires).

…this climate change is not as most people believe.  Natural selection is going to destroy a great part of world civilization and the world is going to be a better place cuz then humans, by that time, will pay attention to natural selection by living “a la par” (sharing tech and the environment as one unit, not distinct units a la par: together).
Industries will co-exist sharing tech with natural selection, not destroying it cuz it, natural selection would eliminate tech itself.  Proof of that is this: if a town is left alone, with on humans in it, in just around thirty years -30 yrs. Or a little longer, the town would convert into a jungle …see Chernobyl:, that section of the eastern world had already turned into a natural jungle, this is proof of natural selection, nature will win over tech.  So, let us make tech and natural selection a win win battle just by adapting human to survival of the fittest.
…how that?
Let keep all industries by just elimination its excessive by product: smoke and gasses.  Todays tech is highly advanced, yet its advances had not been applied to industrialization due to extreme capitalism, not using capitalism to go a la par with social development but as a mean to exploit humans.

Reactors No. 4 and No. 3 after the disaster

26 April 1986; 34 years ago
01:23:40 MSD (UTC+04:00)


Nuclear and radiation accident


Reactor design flaws and serious breach of protocol during simulated power outage safety test


Chernobyl disaster effects


Fewer than 100 deaths directly attributed to the accident. Varying estimates of increased mortality over subsequent decades (see Deaths due to the Chernobyl disaster).

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