Sunday, November 10, 2019

Republicans, we are going to fail in 2020 cuz of a lot of you.  We live for a country, not for a party.

A party is nothing, nada, pure gar... if compared with the nation.  Work, live, exist for the country, its people.  I am USA, not a party.  Today could be for you but tomorrow could be with them, what today is the opposition.  Think.  Think.  Think.  They will be in full complete power as never in history. a Democracy, a nation could not be free or create good laws if there are not competing groups that respect each other, that share responsibilities.  USA, as of now, looks as a low developed nation which nations create stupid laws keeping progress off the table but stealing the richness of their nation.  See Venez... or any other nation living in the 17 century, not in the 21st.
We don't want to accept that he is a psychopath.  That man has all the peculiarity of a psychopath to the point of the letter. is not him alone destroying the nation but many of you too ...don't be his accomplished.  Feel proud of been a Republican instead.  He goes, the party stays ...then?  History will speak by itself.

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