Monday, November 18, 2019

Our President breaking our Constitutional mandates!

…breaking news: our President breaking our Constitutional mandates!

On May 20th. of 2019, Rick Perry (US energy secretary) attended Zelensky Inauguration which was refused by Donald and forbidden by Donald to US Vice-President to visit Ukraine on that purpose.  Mr. Perry suggested to the President Zelensky to use Michael Bleyzer and his partner Alex Cranberg to be accepted in a bid submitted to drill for oil and gas at a sprawling government-controlled site called Varvynska which was accepted by Ukraine President …Michael Bleyzer and his partner Alex Cranberg carry a lot of money to be used in that drilling effort in that nation and that money belongs to the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump.

This our President is a tricky person and knows how to fill up the SWAMP at his benefit.

Watch this:

…but watch it all to understand, comprehend and know who is our President, someone who does not follow the Constitution that forbid doing business while been in charge of the highest office of the nation as commander in chief of the Pentagon and in charge of the USA national and international businesses of this nation.  Got the point?  This man will never change, he is what he is.  Period! 

Trump, debilitating facts that could be used against himself in whichever manner possible imagined

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