Sunday, November 10, 2019

Do you dare not removing the below?

Do you dare not removing the below?

Vladimir Putin is smiling from molar to molar and thanking the way the American USA constitution is built in respect to electing a US President. ...there is a comment to be to correct the constitution without changing it -legally. Here not to say cuz Putin is a genus dealing with psychopath leaders. They are stupid (those psychopaths as Venezuela, Cuba and USA, actual Presidents). ...what Putin is doing is speeding the opportunities laid down by the accidental existence of a very an American idiot and nut person, but USA next President will change everything the idiot of USA President is doing. New laws will be created impeding the reborn of another Psychopath of an American citizen takes over the USA presidency. Got the point. All Putin is doing is good for nothing. Democracy always find solutions. Dictatorship in the form of a Democratic Nation State always fall as did Mao, Lenin and Carl Max. All dictators end up with their head chopped off ...well, unless Putin retire abandoning the leadership of the Country and letting Democracy continuing its evolution. But he is scare, cuz the same thing that happened in Iran with its former dictator could happens to him. Permit me to present a solution to the above: befriend USA, France or Spain and other European strong nations ...they would take Putin to stay living their cuz they are extreme capitalist democracy and Putin is a super-rich person even he never had big industries or been a CEO as others business people around the world. Putin has much more money that the CEO of Face book or Microsoft, or Google without creating a thing. That's as clear as water, not as pure air cuz it can't be seen. you dare not removing the above?

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