Congress man Nunez: Judge and Police or, Judge or Police?
Very important to know or understand. When the US Magna Carta, its Constitution, was been created, someone suggested in its congress, to elect a King, on that time congress responded to that someone, no, we are creating not a King of which we are running away from, we are creating an office that will be shared by the people, for the people and to the people; not a king
...for the above it was commented in past commentaries, writing or blogs here that President Donald was been seen by many in Congress as a 4 years King.
…it had been written here too that many politicians should, by obligation, be demanded to read the Constitution and that even to all school persons to be taught or instructed on the Constitution cuz not everyone knows what the Constitution has in it.
…on the above reasoning it is now understood why so many people and politicians creates and want to elaborate things in the government that goes against the Magna Carta …and now it is said here why so ill interpretation of the Constitution cuz it is not read or known by many politicians in power be it from whichever party it be …at least, they should read this Magna Carta which infers it, this land, doesn’t have a king but a President. When the Magna Carta was been written, it was based on the opposition of creating a King, but a President commander in chief of all Federal Department including its Defenses be them the militaries or civilian defenses as investigating offices (they are as of now: NSA, FBI, CIA, including investigating scientific institution such as NASA and many others to be created in the future).
Here next: Congress man Nunez, which it has to be understood, is acting as a Judge when he sits in the impeachment inquiries asking questions and as a police when he travels to Ukraine to investigate on USA political internal affairs, been it a foreign nation and not doing that inside this USA, respective nation.
It is like been questioned by a policeman, arrested, taken to jail and then the detainee seen the same policeman who arrested him/her and questioned him/her been the Judge to sentence him/her.
…does this is clear enough what’s wrong with some members of Congress? Does it give a reason why so many Congress people don’t know or understand what the Magna Carta is all about? Is it justified why politicians should take some instruction of what is the Constitution to deal with, its spirit?
When the father or creator of USA wrote the Constitution, the spirit of the Constitution was opposed to the spirit of a kingdom but a Republic.
Hope the above is clear enough. If not, so help me God.
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