Saturday, April 07, 2018

Theory of self-destruction

Theory of Self-destruction.

I am not a politician, but an American consumer.

So, I have no words  of how to discuss the problem of America going down the hill, to its cemetery: to RIP and others, after copy right our copyright, start taking the industry US destroyed based on US been so unconscious-greedy-stimulus Super-Rich: Money, a lot of money, a lot of a lot of money first; then America, Europe and the rest, if there is time for that.

This below explains better than I could explain, but our naïve of many politicians are too close minded, so close minded that: pleasing the super-rich demand of exporting America jobs, is better than protecting Democracy; yet, Communism with a taste of Capitalism is better, much better, the best if not then, what is free trade? …those politicians don’t know a grass of business, (not to say it in other manners) don’t have the semantic of understanding, visualizing and predicting that US is destroying US, turning US into its worst enemy.

To be continued.

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