Saturday, April 21, 2018

Before …a mayor protector of a city, after, now …the devil's defendant.

Before …a mayor protector of a city; after …a lawyer devil’s defendant.

New York gives all kind of people I don’t mean good people, I mean good and bad ones.

We are famous worldwide on our behaviours: one day a hero popup from nowhere …the other day someone comes out and kill a policeman, a peaceful man walking on the streets going to his/her job or just a person buying food in a grocery store, for no reason at all, just for the strange need of killing someone or just for fun …well, most of the time dealing with drugs is related; or killing the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time.  In other cities of US, the killing is mass killing.  While in New York it takes few months to kill X amount of people, in other states it takes a few seconds to kill the same or still more X amount of people.  But I am concerned on New York City, the Big Apple with a worm.

New York City had a story to tell: once upon a time, the city of New York had a big problem.  At that city police people use to get bribed by anyone driving on the city who had committed a violation of the city’s driving regulation and traffic regulation …I remember that if someone had driving summons worth to pay under the table for a few hundred dollars to erase those summons, let’s say, worth a few hundreds of dollars much more than the summons itself or even thousands of dollars, the summoned person all had to do was find a third person with connection to the Department of Motor Vehicle, give them the corresponding bribe, and does it, thousands of dollars were erased from the Motor Vehicle Department, building regulations or the like...  summons were kick out from the summons section or whatever name it had at the time.  The situation was such, that the City of New York had to build a much better computing system at a cost, if I can remember, of 5 billion dollars, just in Albany ...and the system started anew, different, perfect and much better.  I was one who had more than 10,000 thousand dollars in tickets, had no place to go to explain that I didn’t own that money; that it seems someone else was using one plate license stole from my vehicle; as so, had to get new license plate but my old license plate was not removed from the system yet my name still was there, active with that license plate.  But a different vehicle was use with that plate of mine, insurance records and license plates were not linked at the time.  Couldn’t go to see a judge to explain that, if I chose a place, the judge wouldn’t listen to me and I’d be found “guilty under the law”.  That happen to many people who had the same situation.  I knew of someone that had to sell his house just to pay tickets worst than mine -his house was taken an sold for a few dollars on the market to very rich developers or private buyers that used to buy houses by the bunch, they used to buy city embargoed house, mainly from the poor (the city started to sell embargoed house by the unit, then started again selling them by the bunch to rich people).  Rich people had not that problem, if their kids got a lot of tickets, just pay the black market and tickets were erased or sent onto the blue.

By installing a new computing system in Albany, all that problem was solved.  My tickets were not taken to count, and just were sent onto the blue on the reason that the programing couldn’t considered those tickets as valid: license plates and car model and places of occurrence didn’t make sense, I guess got two tickets at different places the same day and time.  So, the program had to sent them on the blue and they just were not counted, erased, I guessed, no record of that but my words; that was a judge work to do, not a computer of that time.  But you the reader should know that judges when view your complaint on a ticket, don’t take in consideration any proof taken to him/her, but the city needs for money.  By the way, in dozens and dozens of times I’ve seen city male judges discussing a driving or traffic car ticket, in more than 20 years; During those years I’ve never seen a woman judge.  Doesn’t that tell something to you?

Well, by them we got a dutiful New York City Mayor …I think his name was Judith Giuliani or something like that.  In blogs I published then, long after, after he moved away as city ruler-controller, I praised him, felt enamored of such a truly noble man.  Saw him as was the salvation of My City, the City of New York; and at that time, realized that our bad name around the world would change  …on that time, if I travelled out to other cities, if I dared to travel out, people were afraid of me when they read my car plate (license number) that said: “from New York City”, as I interpreted they read in their mind.

To be continued.
...people, I remember, from Pennsylvania, Pennsylvanian citizens, looked at me as If I were from other planet and a dangerous creature (nowadays is all the opposite, some wish to move to New York, but housing make it almost impossible, this is, no space to move in, no available apartments or room to get in), I felt as been a stranger in a strange land.

...then came mayor Lindsey, Dinky, and Giuliani as well as Bloomberg and our loved Mayor DE Blasio or a name something like that, seems to be a honest Mayor... I like him a lot.
One of the City of New York Mayor just turned into a demon's lawyer, I mean, after working benefiting millions of New Yorkers citizens fighting for them against the abuses committed by criminals, the mafia, and vulgar simple criminals; now there is a change of "new seas to travel; the seas of devil, of liars, of prostituted people as of that of the President Donald J. Trump to be defended by a former Mayor of virtue, who himself would turn into a lawyer to defend the Devil or the 666, that is the serial number of the devil reincarnating on this Planet Earth, President of the US.

to be continued.

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