Saturday, April 07, 2018


...all nuclear weapons in USA, ready to go if it is noticed the simplest signal of any nuclear missile triggered by any nation menacing or that menaced USA.  Be sure of that.  They are the only one whom could avoid a nuclear war... it is up to them.
...yet US would not initiate a nuclear war, US is ready to give them a first download into their territories long before an enemy nuclear missile reach USA land... right on the same spot where an enemy missile would get triggered and any military base nearby + 2 of them abroad ...if war they want, US will not hesitate.  Be it known that first, banker bombs will arrive to soften its enemy protection, followed by nuclear bombs seconds after. It would be noticed by their radars as one bomb, but they are one nuclear bomb presided by few softener banker bombs: all in one. So, the simple ejection of a nuclear bomb from any enemy will automatically triggers the above AI attacks on our side, again, it can't be stopped by US once it takes over, nor need to push any thing from our side, it works by itself as needed.  No ejection of any missile from the enemy side, no nuclear bombs been downloaded with precision on their secret silos and military bases of any nation, in any part of the world.
Believe it or not: laser beams are ready to fry any flying object at high altitude; low altitude flying objects, will be fried once they move away a couple of miles from land.
Copy and paste link.
just a warning.

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