Updated on Sunday, April 30 @ 10:42 pm., eastern time (see insertion).
Based on the
historical data in the United States, published in “Politico”, I conclude that
the lady in the pic above, is just one of the so-called: “ABOSOLUTE IDIOTS”
idiots is not an illness but a lack of cultural background in the large population
of the United States of America, that, cuz of this, commit grave errors in
decision taking electing an American Citizen to be a leader in politics at any
level unless they vote for that person that by accident is a good candidate in
decision-taking as happens very often. Absolute idiots are people hard to
comprehend any reasonable explanation of why their elected leader is a candidate
that cannot lead or that can lead in an official governmental position.
These idiots
are idiots just in politics, which means, they could be decent people, charismatic
people including expertise in a professional job be them educated or not. Ethnocentrism
is rooted up to their bone, like a cancer, and would not accept any logic and
or reason that proof why they are wrong. Our Representative seems to be one on
the extremes cuz she is not only that, but still more: “something like a
sociopath, more or less”
Her name
is “Marjorie Taylor Greene”.
Is a
member of the Republican party, something like a Representative in Congress.
What does
the meaning of the word Representative is:
rep•re•sent•a•tive (
ˌrɛp rɪˈzɛn tə tɪv )
1. a person or thing that represents another or
2. an agent or deputy: a legal representative.
3. a person who represents a constituency or
community in a legislative body, esp. a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives or a lower house in certain state legislatures.
4. a typical example or specimen.
5. serving to represent; representing.
6. made up of representatives.
7. of, characterized by, or founded on
representation of the people in government: a representative democracy.
8. exemplifying a group or kind; typical.
rep`re•sent′a•tive•ly, adv.
- a person appointed or elected to represent others
representative - an item of information that is typical of a class or
group; "this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome";
"there is an example on page 10"
Politico, as well as Wikipedia and my own research, explains that our
lady Taylor Green is one of the groups above mention.
Below there is a mixed copy of data extracted from the pages mentioned
above and an earth map gotten from Google Earth (application) and “Politico”,
some data are exerts from TheFreeDictionary By Farlex”
Gun Violence has cultural roots, based on research made by Colin Woodard from essay published in Politico, see link above.
There were too many rivalries amongst colonizers and hate amongst. That emotional and cultural state of mind had been transmitted from generation to generation. They are governors, politicians, teachers and college professors, police officers (remember that in a school mass killing, the police chief in charge of the section where the school is located, delated the time to respond with his duties; time enough been used to kill the most children the psychopath could, including some of the children's teachers as a warning. Like they were linked by cultural history in the very back of their mind. A situation not yet dealt by any legal institution in that place and ignored by the people that execute the law over there... and they are politicians of a particular party.
R Marjorie seems to be one of them, yet she doesn't know the root of the cause of USA independence and the freedom of slavery: as been part of the "absolute idiots", it seems southerners' love her cuz she expresses from the political point of view, their cultural descendants. Not all southerners are like that, but the majority ...and that is why she won the elections and will keep winning unless the Southerners think twice about their feeling that is destroying USA in its internal politics as well as external around the world ...just to those ethnocentrists, the world already changed, this is the 21st century, you do not fit here. Educate yourself and your descendants, let's protect the USA that is been taken to its knees by foreign nations cuz of the killing done by some so-called Americans, old immigrants, due to cultural ethnocentrism.

The oldest of the American nations, El Norte consists of the
borderlands of the Spanish American empire, which were so far from the seats of
power in Mexico City and Madrid that they evolved their own characteristics.
Most Americans are aware of El Norte as a place apart, where Hispanic language,
culture and societal norms dominate. But few realize that among
Mexicans, norteños have a reputation for being exceptionally
independent, self-sufficient, adaptable and focused on work. Long a hotbed of
democratic reform and revolutionary settlement, the region encompasses parts of
Mexico that have tried to secede in order to form independent buffer states
between their mother country and the United States."
The below is just a portion of the essay, Colin Woodward (under the name of "story' in Politico").
But first, "listen" what the White House via its Chief, says, see it below in the annual invitation to the US MEDIA, "THE FOURTH POWER" OF THIS LAND. As well known here there are other powers: "The Office of the President, Congress and the Supreme Court."
Listen to the southern right talk about violence in America and you’d think New York City was as dangerous as Bakhmut on Ukraine’s eastern front.
In October, Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis proclaimed crime in New York City was “out of control” and blamed it on George Soros. Another Sunshine State politico, former president Donald Trump, offered his native city up as a Democrat-run dystopia, one of those places “where the middle class used to flock to live the American dream are now war zones, literal war zones.” In May 2022, hours after 19 children were murdered at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott swatted back suggestions that the state could save lives by implementing tougher gun laws by proclaiming “Chicago and L.A. and New York disprove that thesis.
In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.
The reasons for these disparities go beyond modern policy differences and extend back to events that predate not only the American party system but the advent of shotguns, revolvers, ammunition cartridges, breach-loaded rifles and the American republic itself. The geography of gun violence — and public and elite ideas about how it should be addressed — is the result of differences at once regional, cultural and historical. Once you understand how the country was colonized — and by whom — a number of insights into the problem are revealed.
To do so you need to more accurately delineate America’s regional cultures. Forget the U.S. Census divisions, which arbitrarily divide the country into a Northeast, Midwest, South and West using often meaningless state boundaries and a willful ignorance of history. The reason the U.S. has strong regional differences is because our swath of the North American continent was settled by rival colonial projects that had very little in common, often despised one another and spread without regard for today’s state boundaries.
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