Tuesday, April 11, 2023

President Macron is committing a grave error.

 President Macron is committing a grave error. Democracy, its roots, is a complex, not ideology but, a complex state of commune of living that went from farm-feudal ownership and church governmental control of kingdoms ending in what is now Democracy, rule of laws. Communism had a total trajectory which roots is dictated by a sole individual leader of a small group of people to control a large group of people not taking its value of individualism, private property and freedom of adjectives such as choice, expression of one's voice, emotions and think like thinking, intellectual property and the likes.

Communism lacks all the above and still more. One man creates universal various rule of laws.

Actual President of France, Mr. Macron is committing a grave error and therefore is risking the future of France to the unknown: Communism.

If onlookers view the video, would notice how Mr. Xi, shows and gives or present the best honour to Mr. Macron while to the European Union President, is place at a lower step, almost ignorant to her present.

Mr. Macron next to him, Mr. Xi and the European Union President in another separate table at a lower level. Notice an arrogant low education from Mr. Xi to the whole of the European Union.

If Mr. Xi would be seeking world unification in respect to Russia and Ukraine, the protocol would be different, honouring the European Union as well as France's President.

The trick: divide and triumph! This mean, dividing the group, will lead you to your WIN.



Mr. Macron and 
Mr. Xi 

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