Look at both pics.
top and below.
The woman above: before and after, famous artist, she dedicates her life to help neglected and abused children. Isn't that woman an ANGEL? She is working to enlighten the country and humans.below.
...the woman below is a dedicated politician, she dedicates her life to insult other politicians, she has not help in creating any congressional law to help her American people such as neglected and abused children but, calling them names, making mock of anyone and... people love her for doing that.
...is this woman enlighten US? Or hating US? Does she bring good for the nation as many other politicians did in the past?
This girl is a Russian woman, protesting for the killing of Ukrainians by Putin, nobody knows of that, but me.
This woman is defending the Constitution of the United States of America, at her own cost... that what a patriot is. This woman showed records of who were those killing this nation of the United States of America, she tried ...wait and see.
This man is bombarding a neighboring nation, and killing hundreds of hundred elders, young women and children cuz he wants their country to belong to the Russian nation.
This man likes what Putin is doing in its neighboring country.

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