Monday, April 17, 2023

On Tik Tok and fentanyl + heroin, why are young and some adults, killing...


On Tic Tok and fentanyl + heroin why are young people killing so many other people of any ages?

Does the gov give to those killers, a test to see if they had any nano-portion of these drugs in their blood? Did the gov investigate if they were fanatics with Tik Tok?

...what a question: why are we clashing? Cuz whoever controls A I, controls the world. Tic toc is a trojan horse, an app with many back doors to be used just in the case of a war with China. The Chinese Communist Party has its tool able to control US, command US, order US via this funny app, via brainwashing young people, collecting information of who is who, so the CCP knows how to function as needed, when needed and as liked. The CCP will pervert US society with fentanyl and heroin. They know who uses it and where is the best places to pervert our people, the faster, the better (for CCP) to destroy the fighting power of America, so weakening our military. Is our government complaining of too many people are dying cuz the use of fentanyl and heroin? No? Think again. If you stop and think, here I gave the answer as crystal clear as pure water. Just a note: Don't you notice that drug addition to the killer fentanyl and heroin has increase a la par as Tic Tok has increase its use? Are not you curious?

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