In the 1st. Universe (the one that contains Andromeda and the Milky Way, there are vestiges of former Galaxies that had disappeared off the universe; it is why it can be seen the location where they were that scientists call: cold spot (a void of space containing nothing-ness of either matter, antimatter, Dark Energy or whatever is known of the 1st. Universe. It is just a void. Former black holes of galaxies that joined together making a larger black hole an “poof” out of its existence. Cuz it is a void, some galaxies tend to move toward it to fill up that emptiness, which movement should be called: space of relax, where part of the 1st. Universe moves toward in order to fill up that space which force of movement and direction is caused by the pushing of galaxies one to the other. Just think this: take a flat shit of paper, let’s say a cardboard or a computer printing sheet. Fill it with sand grains more or less making a thin sheet of sand over it. Now remove in any part of the sheet of paper, a narrow space of sand. Subject the paper to some form of vibration, let’s say, sound that would produce some vibration to the sheet of paper. If the paper is totally flat and put parallel to sea level, all the grain of sands will distribute in such a way that the void space created in it will be occupied by the sand grain around it and other sand grain will redistribute much evenly …yet some other part on the paper will occur some cluster of sand where it did not existed before but the void space will again be occupied. If this test is repeated over and over, the sand grain will redistribute again and again filling up the spaces left until the amount of sand grain could not distribute evenly onto the flat sheet of paper due to the lack of attraction amongst the few left grain of sand left, as it its force of attraction is too weak to attract one to the other grain of sand. The void would be so large, that the grain of sand would be noticed as sporadic distribution, unevenly, of the grain of sand. If vibration is continuously applying, the grains of sand would continuously move to occupy different spots over the flat sheet of paper.
The same Push and Pull in the Universe of its Galaxies, would be shown here on the piece of evenly flat type writing sheet of paper. It is the gravitational force of Matter vs. Dark Matter.
As galaxies contracts one another due to gravitas, the Universe expands those clusters of galaxies too far from the others.
Cuz clusters of galaxies join to make a larger black hole, they create universal voids, here on the left, see a lot of matter distributed as galaxies, nebulae and other things while on the right: nothing-ness, empty space and of course, on the left must there be temperature induced but on the right, no temperature cuz there is nothing (some scientist give to that a temp. which is not correct: nothing-ness is temperature-less too unless it is filled up again. Light could travel in here, but its photons will suffer by disappearance in this vast “universal nothing-ness” of matter and dark matter, all of them with its adjectives: energy, dark energy: the four forces of the making of the Universe: weak and strong force, electromagnetic force and (belief it or not): Gravity! Here is where Dark Matter enters in action: if matter is positive, dark matter is positive. If matter shows its negative side, dark matter is negative …and that’s why Dark matter repels matter, always, and the Universe expands but, within itself, it contracts due to its electromagnetic charge. Dark matter is then, twice the amount of matter anywhere in the vast universe. Therefore, if a value of one is given to Matter, Dark matter has a value of 2 at which if matter increase in size, dark matter double in size. When matter disappears within a black hole, dark matter too. When scientist see any void in the Universe, they are seen what once was a vast black hole that disappeared too to be filled up by new matter from within the known Universe or just to suffers spontaneous regeneration by the appearance of a new Universe but, for that, the void has to be bigger than the universe itself: to a new Universe to be born due to the Big Bang! Could there be more than one big bang? …yes, two simultaneous big bang could originate creating two simultaneous Universes: Multiverse. Our had to be called: 1st. Universe cuz its US humans in it.
…and US are the only known one dealing with it by now. this support my analysis.
See: the fundamental interaction or fundamental forces.
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