History will remember how President Vladimir Putin set a mole in the Fed Govt of USA.
President Donald J. Trump executing Vladimir Putin destruction of USA Democracy.
…the strange thing is that Trump is exerting the greatest pressure in disintegrating the most important institution that are the roots of USA system of protecting Democracy, the existence of the Constitution, the philosophical undertaking of all the establishments that generates the existence of this USA.
USA is been disintegrating at the speed of light in just four years of governance from 2016 to the end of 2020. If Vladimir succeeds with his extraordinary manipulation of the free world, Russia would declare the master of the Western World.
USA genuine deep roots, the base of the existence of US all, is been eroded.
…and to blame not just the Supreme Court but, most members of Congress due to their ignorance of the Magna Carta of this nation or due to the greedy expectation on money, not the protection of the existence of the land.
…and that’s all folks. May God help US now, if God exists.
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