Assorted reasoning.
Dinosaurs did not die cuz an asteroid felt on Earth 66 million years ago.
On: There is no “Day the Dinosaurs Died” due to the falling of a large rock about 7 miles wide -in a Netflix docu- If a meteor did fall, it did not eliminate or killed all dinos. Yes, there were a catastrophic event some around 66 millions years ago …but did not caused the end of dinosaurs, otherwise, there would have existed burn dinosaurs-petrified skeleton remains.
On Dirty Politics.
“The Family” (a Netflix docu), it is a reunion of people that had been elected, chosen or self-appointed to lead a nation. “The Family” elect them to assist to private reunion with the intention of injecting set of psychological well being disregarding their moral conditions.
In episode 2. On December 13, 2018, Maria Butina pleaded guilty to conspiring as a clandestine foreign agent on behalf of the Russian government …as stated by “The Family” in the “New World Order” -Doug Coe, the Family’s leader, obscures the group’s role in the National Prayer Breakfast, which has become a hub for backroom global influence-peddling. “The National Prayer Breakfast now has a policy that forbids any activities for personal, political or financial gain.”
…to say “German Hitter was a great leader” is an aberration to reasoning; so is the same to say Donald Trump is a great leader. “The Family”, Limited Series: Ep. 5, in the “Wolf King: timeline: 18:00
…any person say: John F. Kennedy was a great leader, or Lincoln was a great leader is a reasoning that has value but, saying on any foreign dictator-assassinator that he/she was a great leader is an aberration to what a “great leader” is. Donald J. Trump is a person whom hate, racism, human abuse and ethnic prejudiced-person and USA traitor does not deserve been called: a great leader, but an idiot, clown and ignorant individual executing a position he does not understand at all, the space of a leader.
What “The Family” does is praising criminals as blessed by “Jesus”, a Christian deity that preached peace, understanding, respect and love for all humankind. Did the German Hitter and still Donald J. Trump praise that? …but themselves.
…if the above is correct of what a great leader is, then “El Chapo” of Mexico, is a great leader too. The Sinaloa cartel killers are great leader too as well as a lot of world criminals were great leader too.
…On the contrary, presenting leaders as blessed by “Jesus” is, disregarding the suffering of a large group of people that cast their votes or elect their leaders as a bunch of idiots. Or when many of those abusers put themselves on the position as leaders, exploiting, abusing, and killing its own.
If Jesus, who was a human elevated to a Goddess position, would exists, thy would curse some of those so-called leaders and bless the rest.
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