Experimental links on
human existence.
NASA: Hubble Telescope.
Any advance social group fights for its existence via organized methods but, there are other social groups that do that and at the same time works with the firm intention to block the advancement of other social groups that had established rules for the survival of any third, fourth or fifth social group to exist under civilized protocol cuz other way they can not exist. Here is when an emerging social group manipulate the World Geopolitical Environment to block those who have established rules for the survival of the fourth and fifth social group. A burden that have to be well correlated with actions and decisions well organized. But if the one who had been establishing social rules to benefit all other social groups including itself, uses unexplained monitoring of social rules that are bizarre, the world order is broken with unpredictable result that could be bad or good but there is no secured end.
The discussion below, this video, even though is totally on the point, the world and the creator of that analyzes feels not secure of its prediction unless the creator itself first, explain its reasons, makes consultation with others to whom explains its analyses after submitting the virtue of this correctness of position to be disintegrated by its member of the government and approved by a majority but, it is not the case cuz, unexpected some smaller groups, the fourth and fifth groups are let aside.
The video:
US is looking for solutions on the above not only exploring the solar system and its Universe including its Milky Way but, its own solutions on Plannet Earth with the intention in expanding its Human life and its existence with peace and enjoyment of peace.
…US problems from within

…and from without.
US together with the European Union, working for solutions in geopolitical decisions from within and science from without.
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