Saturday, June 22, 2019

The problem with wrong laws vs. lies

The problem with wrong laws vs. lies
 …that permit lies to be pre-fabricated.

Any women could accuse any man of rape, like the boy crying to the sheepherders, “WOLF! WOLF! WOLVES!  …and all of them wakeup in the middle of the night to chase away or kill the wolves, happens there is nothing and the boy break in laughin waking up the community seen all those sheepherders in action on the middle of the night; until the third time he does it again, one night.  Profound sleeping the sheepherders are waken up by their wives, mothers, and families to go on the rescue of the poor young boy yielding “WOLVES!” …and save the sheep from been killed and eaten up by the wild animal hunting for food on the middle of the night.

…sheepherders responded to the one making notice of the WOLVES cry, and said, let me sleep, I been awaken already a couple of times night before and found nothing but the boy just laughing at us, don’t bother me, I had a very hard day taking care on day time to feed those sheep, talk tomorrow with him and assign a new boy for that errand.

The wives and families understood and let their husband and relatives rest and sleep.  In the morning they all found the boy dead …lot of sheep dead and removed faraway eaten by wild wolves.

…the above is what some women are doing with some men, but the chosen one here is the President of the United States of America.  Some women are crying: “wolf! Wolf! Wolf!  Just this one to sell a book by been within the bunch just to make money and get millions out of it.

This story is based on the following: If Donald J. Trump did what is said by a woman in her book,” why doesn’t she go as of now and open a case with the FBI for them to investigate?  …but author a book, knowing this woman she is not accusing the President, but just making a “comment” of something that happened to her in not a clear date, time, or year.  1995? 1996?  The time?  What did her rapper said as she straggled not to be “raped?”  …well, dozens and dozens of questions could be ask to her, whom is not accusing any one but just telling a story of something that appears been full of fictitious happening than of real happenings …as in the cry of the wolves above called: The boy that cried “WOLVES!”  …this tale of a story is worldwide known in many languages and it is said as a moral not to tell lies, to young men and women.

Did you enjoy the analysis of the woman crying “wolf” on Donald J. Trump?

“Give to God what belongs to God and Caesar what belongs to Caesar.”

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