Sunday, June 09, 2019

Senseless comments, but comments they are.

Senseless comments, but comments they are.

Good leaders don't go to war themselves, if doing so, they can't win a fight. They are needed in the back directing the war. Got it? Long ago they used to, they all lost sooner or later. Before, tech for war was not the same tech for war as of now. War is not just a street fight, it takes a lot of strategies, good ones are needed to direct it it would be good to protect them. Did Putin go to fight against any nation Russia fought? He is a leader, so he stays home directing any war cuz he's a strategist. Would he send his secretary of war to combat? No, he is needed to direct and win. Only the brute’s leaders go to war, they all never win. When the leader is killed, in a war, the war is lost. Leaders are experience people either in social science, politics and war which takes many years of training; in war, it takes many years of learning. This am saying here is reality, not fighting cuz emotion but cuz existence on survival. Not anybody can be a leader. Leaders don't fight, they direct the fight and conquer. Hope I got it straight for you ...and that's war. That man is not a psychopath, he is an expert in the art of war. His spirit is ready to kill and not let the other do the killing. It is menester to destroy Iran and that man has the courage and will in doing that. So be it. If Iran had been destroyed long ago, all nations depending on oil would not be at risk in survival of the fittest ...they need to survive, protect their millions of citizens, they need the fuel that pass via that canal. They pay for it; they don't rob it. Iran benefit out of it but, they want to be martyrs, so let them be Martyrs ...let's destroy Iran once and for all before they destroy other nations. Amen. Alleluia. Allah is Great. Iran shall go. ...Allah, protect Bolton so with his advices he could convince the President that at any wrong move of Iran, all Iranians militaries bases in Iran, are erased of the Iranian map ...if the Iranian gov intents to attack any USA or collision warships deployed on the nearby sea to Iran, USA shall subject Iran to a tremendous full military attack. T's the best opportunity to end that Omen of gov in Iran; let's bring peace and business on those oceans, let's the people life flourish with happiness; no more suffering to the people of Iran and the Persians out of the hands of those monsters that in the name of a God, are giving martyrium to all the inhabitants of that land. Allah, make them respect your name and stop them killing others under your name. Help the Americans destroy them. Quake, Cyclones, Fast floods, and calamities will help well before a war to eliminate those false "ayatollahs" ...waiting. Protect Bolton, you need that man, the man.

But he did sit in the UN for years and knows foreign affairs better than any american

You are a fool . Leaders don't have to shoulder a rifle in combat to be effective at their jobs . Would you call an Army cook that never saw combat a coward ? John Bolton is doing what he is supposed to do and that is making the terrorists of this World think twice about attacking the US .

Bolton was a Plan all along- Let BOLTON go fight- stop sending our military soul diers to do our governments satanic ritual work- let the psychopaths running this planet do their own work!! People WAKE UP - stop consenting!

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