…prostitution had always been heavily tied with religion.
Updated as of Tuesday, May 2 @ 11:53 am. 2023
Today’s people are less religious as they used to be long time ago, our grandfathers. The population in any country is growing and growing exponentially while in others it is decreasing slowly. Yet the population is in the millions in large territories. The population of a any large nation is still much, much bigger that all the population of the world few centuries ago. Cuz religion used to be the plate of the day, it used to have an upper hand in the creation of the law of a region. Today, religion is not practiced by most of a population in Westerns Nations, it is decaying. What is been practice now is the practice of equal right on all of a population via Democracy and even via other social political systems.
Most people are religious people and had too many of them never ever been in any church; this is, they are religious by tradition, not by faith …they follow the interest of their grandfather’s fathers that been diluting in time and space as the world advance to a better future and solve lots of environmental problems with new discoveries. So, PROSTITUTION still is something that has to be dealt as of now and new laws are needed to control that the same as other existing laws: Licenses to drive a car, earning a diploma and practicing the profession or earning a license to practice a skilled carrier, flying an airplane and/or opening a business to make money serving the public. Prostitution must have place within the society as a business to make money within freedom of choice. Of course, it shall be regulated as any business, e.g.: a minor is not accepted to register the possession of a gun, yet could be used with the consent of a guardian under certain situations, places and guidance by one responsible adult (in most States, region and countries (as an instance, in Dominican Republic, any adult could posses a revolver and even a gun as long as it is not a weapon capable to be used at war such as machine guns, but a 30-30 gun is permitted as long as it is not automatic), in many other countries is the same or better, as benefits are given to its inhabitants. Everything is regulated and getting that is not of any difficulty as long as you have the money to buy it. Prostitution in many countries as Dominican Republic is legal as long as the person in practice fallow the health code stipulated by the law. Minors are not permitted.
Here in USA, a country so-call a Democratic gov, the above is not accepted; that then creates a problem: too many rapes, human violations, and human trafficking in and out of the nation. Too many women forced into prostitution …yes, that, in such a country like US. Minors forced into prostitution too. Wow!
In the D.R. there could be a minor forced into prostitution, but not by any mafia or private business; it happens in D.R. that parents themselves approve of that due to poverty and ignorance, if that happens, the law goes in action. In nations like that the punishment is applies if that minors fall into the hand of the law, if… Here in US, it is highly forbidden, but highly practiced and not observed by the law yet the law punishes it very strongly. Politicians don’t inject enough money to combat these crimes.
The FBI in charge of containing and arresting violators does not have enough manpower and criminals always wins most of the time. The FBI works very hard enforcing the law but it, the FBI is working against bandits that make billions of dollars exploiting human trafficking. It is like a policeman fighting against a gang with just a revolver while the gang carries machine guns and grenades.
…by legalizing PROSTITUTION, crimes would decrease; some people who would be involved in sexual violations would go and please their sexual desires by paying’ to a person who is an adult and does it for money and wants to do it or by their own will as at the same time follows any health code enacted law to avoid deceases and venereal illness; the person would get covered by health insurance (Medicaid) as well been protected by the law; would pay taxes too. Prostitution is one of the oldest businesses of humankind, why should it be illegal now? Because it is immoral? Isn't that a taboo created by religious people? It would be immoral if practiced upon a minor or someone who does not want it.
The purpose of legalizing "Prostitution" is to remove a burden on the society that is practiced one way or the other amongst all of them. Religious people, sometimes practices too even within their group careful calculated though most time is forbidden.
Adults would not have the need to violate a human right of others cuz the "would be a violator" would be pleased by visiting someone who could satisfy that natural need been of certain age permitted to do so, as important as eating, exercising and bathing and sleeping, most human needs are meet in certain degree. No body to blame. Crime would decrease greatly, a lot. Some people would practice giving pleasure to whoever they please (for money or not), be them assuming own responsibilities or via association with a business, the so-call: call-girls or callboys (and adult fully aware of his acts and responsible to it, not a minor).
US are legalizing some drugs, but US does not want to legalize Prostitution of which name would have to be change to sex-play person, not prostitution.
Legalizing Prostitution would solve many social problems link to that as pornography and rape.
The problem that prostitution is not a local problem, it is a national problem that creates billions of dollars in income. It has gone out of hand and extended to many social spheres in the economic environment such that it is forcing children to be part of it, or else been killed after. If prostitution turns legal, children will not end as part of it, cuz it is controlled, observed and qualified the same as any business such as alcohol, marijuana (lately) and other things. Not legalizing it, gives people with spoiled minds to make its own rules such that an innocent part of the society suffers, them spoiled minds use of prostitution destroy others be them children or adults:
Prostitution is enforced not by the so-called "race", color is not a quality even though some people dealing in presenting this social cancer intent to associate it to a specific type of human "race" as the ones who are the enslaver of others; no, no and no ...it has no colour in its bosses but, it happens that the non-white population in a mixed "race" are the least one involved in that, yet racists present pics of a black hand covering the face of a child been abused. That is a manipulation of the creator of the pic to inject hate toward that colour of people. In the site where I got those pics, there are people faces place together with humans been prostitutes; those people are very decent ones that happens to be in politics and/or are wives of politicians. Yet the site is supposed to have pics of prostitutes. I've been careful not to see those as such and I feel depressed to see the intention created in that site ...so, I had been careful not to download them. Again, they are part politicians or full-time politicians placed maliciously in there. My apologies in their name. Next:
it seems to be an undocumented woman forced to prostitute and been punished cuz refusing to do it. Remember, these are pics to represent special situations, I belief they are not real. They express what going on in this country and the rest of the world in respect to PROSTITUTION.
Today’s people are less religious as they used to be long time ago, our grandfathers. The population in any country is growing and growing exponentially while in others it is decreasing slowly. Yet the population is in the millions in large territories. The population of a any large nation is still much, much bigger that all the population of the world few centuries ago. Cuz religion used to be the plate of the day, it used to have an upper hand in the creation of the law of a region. Today, religion is not practiced by most of a population in Westerns Nations, it is decaying. What is been practice now is the practice of equal right on all of a population via Democracy and even via other social political systems.
Most people are religious people and had too many of them never ever been in any church; this is, they are religious by tradition, not by faith …they follow the interest of their grandfather’s fathers that been diluting in time and space as the world advance to a better future and solve lots of environmental problems with new discoveries. So, PROSTITUTION still is something that has to be dealt as of now and new laws are needed to control that the same as other existing laws: Licenses to drive a car, earning a diploma and practicing the profession or earning a license to practice a skilled carrier, flying an airplane and/or opening a business to make money serving the public. Prostitution must have place within the society as a business to make money within freedom of choice. Of course, it shall be regulated as any business, e.g.: a minor is not accepted to register the possession of a gun, yet could be used with the consent of a guardian under certain situations, places and guidance by one responsible adult (in most States, region and countries (as an instance, in Dominican Republic, any adult could posses a revolver and even a gun as long as it is not a weapon capable to be used at war such as machine guns, but a 30-30 gun is permitted as long as it is not automatic), in many other countries is the same or better, as benefits are given to its inhabitants. Everything is regulated and getting that is not of any difficulty as long as you have the money to buy it. Prostitution in many countries as Dominican Republic is legal as long as the person in practice fallow the health code stipulated by the law. Minors are not permitted.
Here in USA, a country so-call a Democratic gov, the above is not accepted; that then creates a problem: too many rapes, human violations, and human trafficking in and out of the nation. Too many women forced into prostitution …yes, that, in such a country like US. Minors forced into prostitution too. Wow!
In the D.R. there could be a minor forced into prostitution, but not by any mafia or private business; it happens in D.R. that parents themselves approve of that due to poverty and ignorance, if that happens, the law goes in action. In nations like that the punishment is applies if that minors fall into the hand of the law, if… Here in US, it is highly forbidden, but highly practiced and not observed by the law yet the law punishes it very strongly. Politicians don’t inject enough money to combat these crimes.
The FBI in charge of containing and arresting violators does not have enough manpower and criminals always wins most of the time. The FBI works very hard enforcing the law but it, the FBI is working against bandits that make billions of dollars exploiting human trafficking. It is like a policeman fighting against a gang with just a revolver while the gang carries machine guns and grenades.
…by legalizing PROSTITUTION, crimes would decrease; some people who would be involved in sexual violations would go and please their sexual desires by paying’ to a person who is an adult and does it for money and wants to do it or by their own will as at the same time follows any health code enacted law to avoid deceases and venereal illness; the person would get covered by health insurance (Medicaid) as well been protected by the law; would pay taxes too. Prostitution is one of the oldest businesses of humankind, why should it be illegal now? Because it is immoral? Isn't that a taboo created by religious people? It would be immoral if practiced upon a minor or someone who does not want it.
The purpose of legalizing "Prostitution" is to remove a burden on the society that is practiced one way or the other amongst all of them. Religious people, sometimes practices too even within their group careful calculated though most time is forbidden.
Adults would not have the need to violate a human right of others cuz the "would be a violator" would be pleased by visiting someone who could satisfy that natural need been of certain age permitted to do so, as important as eating, exercising and bathing and sleeping, most human needs are meet in certain degree. No body to blame. Crime would decrease greatly, a lot. Some people would practice giving pleasure to whoever they please (for money or not), be them assuming own responsibilities or via association with a business, the so-call: call-girls or callboys (and adult fully aware of his acts and responsible to it, not a minor).
US are legalizing some drugs, but US does not want to legalize Prostitution of which name would have to be change to sex-play person, not prostitution.
Legalizing Prostitution would solve many social problems link to that as pornography and rape.
The problem that prostitution is not a local problem, it is a national problem that creates billions of dollars in income. It has gone out of hand and extended to many social spheres in the economic environment such that it is forcing children to be part of it, or else been killed after. If prostitution turns legal, children will not end as part of it, cuz it is controlled, observed and qualified the same as any business such as alcohol, marijuana (lately) and other things. Not legalizing it, gives people with spoiled minds to make its own rules such that an innocent part of the society suffers, them spoiled minds use of prostitution destroy others be them children or adults:
Prostitution is enforced not by the so-called "race", color is not a quality even though some people dealing in presenting this social cancer intent to associate it to a specific type of human "race" as the ones who are the enslaver of others; no, no and no ...it has no colour in its bosses but, it happens that the non-white population in a mixed "race" are the least one involved in that, yet racists present pics of a black hand covering the face of a child been abused. That is a manipulation of the creator of the pic to inject hate toward that colour of people. In the site where I got those pics, there are people faces place together with humans been prostitutes; those people are very decent ones that happens to be in politics and/or are wives of politicians. Yet the site is supposed to have pics of prostitutes. I've been careful not to see those as such and I feel depressed to see the intention created in that site ...so, I had been careful not to download them. Again, they are part politicians or full-time politicians placed maliciously in there. My apologies in their name. Next:

This pic or things like that are going on in USA and Europe and Arab countries and other parts of the world. Here this article concerns USA.
...it could be an undocumented woman been put the death by the underworld, cuz prostitution is not legalized and they work with that under cover of gangs, illegal business and racketeers business man and women in the underworld. If legalized, Prostitution, that would not happen under any circumstances.
...this pic seems to be a real one, they might be on their own or forced to.
...true, they are slowly forced to do it or they are abused, so they run away trying to save themselves but in vein, US gov does not have a very strong plan to save them. Many small departments, link to govs, has not enough money to devote to correct the situation. By legalizing PROSTITUTION, this would not happens cuz would be regulated and people would visit legal brothels on which things like the above would not exist.
It seems they are undocumented women from different regions of Latin America that comes to US looking for a job to make money to support either their mons, husbands and children including their grandparents. Don't know what await them here until they are enslaved for sale: Human Trafficking.
...as seen above, a minuscule portion of US is legal, but legal at which they have no legal right ...as second citizens slave-like people.
Menaced to go into prostitution or deportation by organized criminals
US shall legalize PROSTITUTION, to avoid the wrong people fall in the wrong place at the wrong time cuz they are not (mostly) prostitutes, nor children are prostitutes.
Let real prostitute represent their human rights, they have to be given their position in our society at which they could live in peace without been harassed by local authorities, women haters or racists or ill prejudiced people as well as the nuts.
...what's going on in other countries should not go on here: https://youtu.be/AFSCdWaH9Kg
...cuz US and many Nation States don't have the same needs nor the same economy.
...in a Democracy, a real one, the people are part of the gov and they make the laws for all, not for a few.
...what's going on in other countries should not go on here: https://youtu.be/AFSCdWaH9Kg
...cuz US and many Nation States don't have the same needs nor the same economy.
...in a Democracy, a real one, the people are part of the gov and they make the laws for all, not for a few.
...another case of which US is not like them, see by yourself, not through my words but them witness: https://youtu.be/qF1jBSiuMKc
...there are so many but, US is a Democracy, shall protect the future of US, they are the future.
Prostitution, poverty and exploitation.
Work on this, include pics, videos and analysis: the making of Prostitution.
How bad economy turns young girls into prostitution, it is a slow conversion from innocent women into whores, while billions of dollars are used for wars, ‘cause of ill conceived and ill trained professionals and lay people.
In the link up here: girls for sale.
In the link down here: Virgin minors for sale.
Next link, the most dangerous region for a woman:
Cambodia, parents selling their daughters into prostitution:
...there are so many but, US is a Democracy, shall protect the future of US, they are the future.
Prostitution, poverty and exploitation.
Work on this, include pics, videos and analysis: the making of Prostitution.
How bad economy turns young girls into prostitution, it is a slow conversion from innocent women into whores, while billions of dollars are used for wars, ‘cause of ill conceived and ill trained professionals and lay people.
In the link up here: girls for sale.
In the link down here: Virgin minors for sale.
Next link, the most dangerous region for a woman:
Cambodia, parents selling their daughters into prostitution:
bondage - sexual practice that involves physically restraining (by cords or handcuffs). if one of the partners in sexual relation in accepted sex intercourse accept it as a free choice of two or more people doing sex. Notice that these acts of sexual relation, is a free choice, not forced into the other partner, therefore, it is legal as long as the act stop if either party wants.
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