Sunday, June 30, 2019



…prostitution had always been heavily tied with religion.
Updated as of Tuesday, May 2 @ 11:53 am. 2023

Today’s people are less religious as they used to be long time ago, our grandfathers.  The population in any country is growing and growing exponentially while in others it is decreasing slowly.  Yet the population is in the millions in large territories.  The population of a any large nation is still much, much bigger that all the population of the world few centuries ago.  Cuz religion used to be the plate of the day, it used to have an upper hand in the creation of the law of a region.  Today, religion is not practiced by most of a population in Westerns Nations, it is decaying.  What is been practice now is the practice of equal right on all of a population via Democracy and even via other social political systems.

Most people are religious people and had too many of them never ever been in any church; this is, they are religious by tradition, not by faith …they follow the interest of their grandfather’s fathers that been diluting in time and space as the world advance to a better future and solve lots of environmental problems with new discoveries.  So, PROSTITUTION still is something that has to be dealt as of now and new laws are needed to control that the same as other existing laws: Licenses to drive a car, earning a diploma and practicing the profession or earning a license to practice a skilled carrier, flying an airplane and/or opening a business to make money serving the public.  Prostitution must have place within the society as a business to make money within freedom of choice.  Of course, it shall be regulated as any business, e.g.: a minor is not accepted to register the possession of a gun, yet could be used with the consent of a guardian under certain situations, places and guidance by one responsible adult (in most States, region and countries (as an instance, in Dominican Republic, any adult could posses a revolver and even a gun as long as it is not a weapon capable to be used at war such as machine guns, but a 30-30 gun is permitted as long as it is not automatic), in many other countries is the same or better, as benefits are given to its inhabitants.  Everything is regulated and getting that is not of any difficulty as long as you have the money to buy it.  Prostitution in many countries as Dominican Republic is legal as long as the person in practice fallow the health code stipulated by the law.  Minors are not permitted.

Here in USA, a country so-call a Democratic gov, the above is not accepted; that then creates a problem: too many rapes, human violations, and human trafficking in and out of the nation.  Too many women forced into prostitution …yes, that, in such a country like US.  Minors forced into prostitution too.  Wow!

In the D.R. there could be a minor forced into prostitution, but not by any mafia or private business; it happens in D.R. that parents themselves approve of that due to poverty and ignorance, if that happens, the law goes in action.  In nations like that the punishment is applies if that minors fall into the hand of the law, if…  Here in US, it is highly forbidden, but highly practiced and not observed by the law yet the law punishes it very strongly.  Politicians don’t inject enough money to combat these crimes.
The FBI in charge of containing and arresting violators does not have enough manpower and criminals always wins most of the time.  The FBI works very hard enforcing the law but it, the FBI is working against bandits that make billions of dollars exploiting human trafficking.  It is like a policeman fighting against a gang with just a revolver while the gang carries machine guns and grenades.

…by legalizing PROSTITUTION, crimes would decrease; some people who would be involved in sexual violations would go and please their sexual desires by paying’ to a person who is an adult and does it for money and wants to do it or by their own will as at the same time follows any health code enacted law to avoid deceases and venereal illness; the person would get covered by health insurance (Medicaid) as well been protected by the law; would pay taxes too.  Prostitution is one of the oldest businesses of humankind, why should it be illegal now?  Because it is immoral? Isn't that a taboo created by religious people?  It would be immoral if practiced upon a minor or someone who does not want it.
The purpose of legalizing "Prostitution" is to remove a burden on the society that is practiced one way or the other amongst all of them.  Religious people, sometimes practices too even within their group careful calculated though most time is forbidden.

Adults would not have the need to violate a human right of others cuz the "would be a violator" would be pleased by visiting someone who could satisfy that natural need been of certain age permitted to do so, as important as eating, exercising and bathing and sleeping, most human needs are meet in certain degree.  No body to blame.  Crime would decrease greatly, a lot.  Some people would practice giving pleasure to whoever they please (for money or not), be them assuming own responsibilities or via association with a business, the so-call: call-girls or callboys (and adult fully aware of his acts and responsible to it, not a minor).

US are legalizing some drugs, but US does not want to legalize Prostitution of which name would have to be change to sex-play person, not prostitution.

Legalizing Prostitution would solve many social problems link to that as pornography and rape.
The problem that prostitution is not a local problem, it is a national problem that creates billions of dollars in income.  It has gone out of hand and extended to many social spheres in the economic environment such that it is forcing children to be part of it, or else been killed after.  If prostitution turns legal, children will not end as part of it, cuz it is controlled, observed and qualified the same as any business such as alcohol, marijuana (lately) and other things.  Not legalizing it, gives people with spoiled minds to make its own rules such that an innocent part of the society suffers, them spoiled minds use of prostitution destroy others be them children or adults:
 Prostitution is enforced not by the so-called "race", color is not a quality even though some people dealing in presenting this social cancer intent to associate it to a specific type of human "race" as the ones who are the enslaver of others; no, no and no has no colour in its bosses but, it happens that the non-white population in a mixed "race" are the least one involved in that, yet racists present pics of a black hand covering the face of a child been abused. That is a manipulation of the creator of the pic to inject hate toward that colour of people.  In the site where I got those pics, there are people faces place together with humans been prostitutes; those people are very decent ones that happens to be in politics and/or are wives of politicians.  Yet the site is supposed to have pics of prostitutes.  I've been careful not to see those as such and I feel depressed to see the intention created in that site, I had been careful not to download them.  Again, they are part politicians or full-time politicians placed maliciously in there.  My apologies in their name.  Next:
it seems to be an undocumented woman forced to prostitute and been punished cuz refusing to do it.  Remember, these are pics to represent special situations, I belief they are not real.  They express what going on in this country and the rest of the world in respect to PROSTITUTION.

This pic or things like that are going on in USA and Europe and Arab countries and other parts of the world.  Here this article concerns USA. could be an undocumented woman been put the death by the underworld, cuz prostitution is not legalized and they work with that under cover of gangs, illegal business and racketeers business man and women in the underworld. If legalized, Prostitution, that would not happen under any circumstances.
...this pic seems to be a real one, they might be on their own or forced to.
...true, they are slowly forced to do it or they are abused, so they run away trying to save themselves but in vein, US gov does not have a very strong plan to save them. Many small departments, link to govs, has not enough money to devote to correct the situation.  By legalizing PROSTITUTION, this would not happens cuz would be regulated and people would visit legal brothels on which things like the above would not exist.
It seems they are undocumented women from different regions of Latin America that comes to US looking for a job to make money to support either their mons, husbands and children including their grandparents.  Don't know what await them here until they are enslaved for sale: Human Trafficking. seen above, a minuscule portion of US is legal, but legal at which they have no legal right second citizens slave-like people.
Menaced to go into prostitution or deportation by organized criminals

US shall legalize PROSTITUTION, to avoid the wrong people fall in the wrong place at the wrong time cuz they are not (mostly) prostitutes, nor children are prostitutes.
Let real prostitute represent their human rights, they have to be given their position in our society at which they could live in peace without been harassed by local authorities, women haters or racists or ill prejudiced people as well as the nuts.
...what's going on in other countries should not go on here:
...cuz US and many Nation States don't have the same needs nor the same economy. a Democracy, a real one, the people are part of the gov and they make the laws for all, not for a few.
...another case of which US is not like them, see by yourself, not through my words but them witness:
...there are so many but, US is a Democracy, shall protect the future of US, they are the future.

Prostitution, poverty and exploitation.

Work on this, include pics, videos and analysis: the making of Prostitution.

How bad economy turns young girls into prostitution, it is a slow conversion from innocent women into whores, while billions of dollars are used for wars, ‘cause of ill conceived and ill trained professionals and lay people.

In the link up here: girls for sale.

In the link down here: Virgin minors for sale.

Next link, the most dangerous region for a woman:

Cambodia, parents selling their daughters into prostitution:

bondage - sexual practice that involves physically restraining (by cords or handcuffs). if one of the partners in sexual relation in accepted sex intercourse accept it as a free choice of two or more people doing sex. Notice that these acts of sexual relation, is a free choice, not forced into the other partner, therefore, it is legal as long as the act stop if either party wants.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

The WALL, a must.

The WALL, a must.

The Wall and Dope and Guns and Human Traffickin’ and doping out some of the proposition of The President of USA: Donald J. Trump.

…yes, you’ll notice the: What on earth is this about?

The issues: US fighting a social cancel: Drugs.  US ignoring a domestic chaos: Human Trafficking and US opposing whatever this actual President proposes to build: A WALL.

True is that our President won a tainted election; an election painted with foreign intervention in our domestic regulations of how-to elect a politician in US territory.

…but there is a but worth to mention: many of this president intentions are honest whether you, he, she, or I, like it or not.

It happens that the wall to be built in the South of USA dividing this nation and very important Nation State of United States of Mexico is not only linked to control human movement but, it happens is a manner to control the uncontrollable movement of DOPE moving to USA from many other nations as Peru, the Netherlands, Colombia and Dominican Republic just to mention a few.

Am watchin’ “Dope” in Netflix, it is tiresome and very interesting cuz is a very long documentary but it enumerate, clearly, the hard work on the hands of US Custom to control the entrance of illegal and dangerous drugs that is killing the inhabitants, the people, WE THE PEOPLE… of this Great Nation.

Permit me to initiate first with the WALL:

Our President had expressed a WALL is needed to avoid those “people not wanted by Mexico, those criminals, to enters this nation of the Free”  notice: the quotations are of my own, interpreting his RACISTS words.  Racist because of the way the President put it …but take away any spirit of Racism, and will notice that the WALL is a MUST, a need.

…building a wall dividing the Great Nation State of the United States of Mexico and the United States of North of America, would be of great benefit for both peoples: will stop or decrease a lot of crimes committed in Mexico cuz competing to introduce harmful substances to obtain the most money out of USA addictive population with very low morale which are a burden to its social structure and turn into a highly income subtraction to its GNP (gross national product) and at the same time are productive-less (counter-productive) in mass.


Mexico, a land used by many drug traffickers to introduce harmful substance to USA.


 United States of America, a land of which many of its people are highly addictive to harmful illicit drugs,  mostly imported from different countries around the world as Peru, Colombia, Mexico and the Dominican Republic as well as others such as Afghanistan and other distance regions of the world.

This Nation States of US does need a lot of people to supply unskilled work in the nation but, there is a problem: many people are entering undocumented into USA and not giving the time, opportunity and control for the nation to organize its geopolitical population which seems to be out of control by just accepting immigrants that the nation don’t know how to put in place to design any program to protect them and making them more effective to contribute to the Greatness of the nation.  This bring a problem: many of them are unable to receive health care, yet they pay taxes for that as they report their income.  Even though they do not commit many crimes as normal legitimate residents and citizens due in any large social groups, their crimes are uncounted for statistical reasons of preventing other crimes and helping those in needs as women and children that might fall into ill parents hands and relatives as well as strangers on mistreating them.

…these undocumented immigrants don’t receive the benefits granted by the written laws of the land; this would turn into future looses for the nation of a person contributing in the better-ness of this country.

This is a nation that is constructed mostly on Democracy, by having undocumented immigrants, Democracy is harder to implement, and they are exposed to the greatest abuses by their employers, neighbors (maybe) and people that would like to take advantages of them.

Building a WALL and not discriminating those already here, would be the best Democratic policy to follow. It would force them to apply via USA legal institution to enter this nation. It would guarantee that any other person entering this nation complies with the regulatory health regulations to enter, such as vaccination to either they acquire a decease that might originate here, or, bring a decease from other country from abroad.  Aside that US would know, rather, the exact population of USA inhabitants be them nationals or not, residents or tourist or just passerby.

That would be the best thing to do aside organizing and redacting the laws of immigration into the nation.

A WALL would help not only USA, but Mexico too cuz many people from other nations pass through the Mexican frontier, therefore, USA frontier without been noticed, countered or register here for US to have a clear understanding of our geopolitical laws and new laws, to be elaborated or eliminated.

By watching “Dope” in Netflix, the documentary watcher, would understand the need of a WALL and the must do need of elaborating new immigration laws.

Illegal and illicit drugs are killing USA productive populations and draining billions of dollars that could be used for other needed things for the greatness of the nation such a schooling, parks, water distribution and repairing of US bridges that are been corroded by the thousands while a lot of money is use to combat too much illegal-illicit drug entering this nation and part of the money created by the undocumented people is not been used for the just said above but spend in fighting crimes which is a must.

The passage from Mexico and to Mexico in US is congested, US needs to create new channel or routes of communication in order to increase the economic production of people, this is, knew bridges of communication as for immigration inspector to do a better job.

By organizing immigration the way it is said above, it is a win-win business for immigrants-USA and justice (the laws of immigration) and more money and business would be created cuz airplanes would carries much more people, stores would sell much more products cuz the new immigrants would travel freely on both sides contributing to a greater business not on the billions of dollars, possible on the trillion of dollars.

As in TheFreeDictionay: DOPE


1. Informal

a. A narcotic, especially an addictive narcotic.

b. Narcotics considered as a group.

c. An illicit drug, especially marijuana.

2. A narcotic preparation used to stimulate a racehorse.

3. Informal A stupid person; a dolt.

4. Informal Factual information, especially of a private nature.

5. Chemistry An absorbent or adsorbent material used in certain manufacturing processes, such as the nitroglycerin used in making dynamite.

6. A type of lacquer formerly used to protect, waterproof, and tauten the cloth surfaces of airplane wings.

7. Chiefly Southern US A carbonated soft drink containing an extract of the kola nut and other flavorings.

8. Lower Northern US Syrup or sweet sauce poured on ice cream.

v. doped, doping, dopes

1. Informal

a. To administer a narcotic to was doped up for the operation.

b. To add a narcotic to: They doped his drink before robbing him.

c. To administer a performance-enhancing substance to (an athlete).

d. To subject (an athlete) to blood doping.

2. Electronics To treat (a semiconductor) with a dopant.

v.intr. Informal

1. To take narcotics or a performance-enhancing substance.

2. To engage in blood doping.





1. An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster, or other building material serving to enclose, divide, or protect an area, especially a vertical construction forming an inner partition or exterior siding of a building.

2. often walls A continuous structure of masonry or other material forming a rampart and built for defensive purposes.

3. A structure of stonework, concrete, or other material built to retain a flow of water.


a. Something resembling a wall in appearance, function, or construction, as the exterior surface of a body organ or part: the abdominal wall.

b. Something resembling a wall in impenetrability or strength: a wall of silence; a wall of fog.

c. An extreme or desperate condition or position, such as defeat, or ruin driven to the wall by poverty.

5. Sports The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.

tr.v. walled, wall·ing, walls

1. To enclose, surround, or fortify with or as if with a wall: wall up an old window. See Synonyms at enclose.

2. To divide or separate with or as if with a wall. Often used with off: wall off half a room.

3. To confine or seal behind a wall; immure: "I determined to wall [the body] up in the cellar" (Edgar Allan Poe).

4. To block or close (an opening or passage, for example) with or as if with a wall.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Kill yourself.

kill yourself.

Be you the commentator.

...if you can not devote some time here, then lock in at

"America's fallin'." "Fixing the nation."

"America’s fallin'.”

“Fixing the nation.”

US must, shall and have to stop international wars to rebuilt itself.

History International has a docu that explain with facts why America’s falling.  US need to reconstruct, rebuilt and recreated cities, subways, and all via of communications in order to keep USA alive.  That is an enormous stack to do.  More, in my view, than 10 trillion dollars is needed to do that, as a rule of thumb.

US need not only one politician or person in charge of the “fixing the nation”; US need a small group of politicians that turns into conscious instruments to safeguard the Statehood of its structure by rebuilding it all around, that is its Democracy, its physical structures.

One thing very important: US need to pay its international debt with whichever nation US has it and at the same time stop borrowing cash, instead, as shall turn into a lender using the International Monetary Fund yet be much more than a member of it by investing much more than 51% of its capital as to have the upper hand on decision taker.  Democracy needs direct participation of the Fed, its States and its Local Govs, not only of the reach-ness of its people, free enterprise, all of US in it.

Human Rights shall be improved within US courts by giving a much greater opportunity to people that claim their legitimate rights.  People shall let talk in front of a court’s judge and express their own feelings, thought, idea and philosophies, not just paralegal terminology-school-learned phrases and words, but their own feelings just to know the origen of a case, its roots without compromising either the one been complained against or the complainer: any authority be it a politician, police officer or institution, shall listen to the complainer and shall not use anything said by the complainer not related to the accident involved against the complainer.  The complainer shall be let to explain his/her own case in his/her own words disregarding any technicism in it, including any prophane words said due to his/her education and lack of knowledge of norms in education as long as the complainer does not use physical acts against any one involve in the case been dealt.  That’s Democracy: heard and been heard.

A court of law shall let any legal situation to be discuss first amongst the people involved as long as there is present any court designee to referee the situation and report its finding by first letting know all parties involve of the report been set and recorded for the court to review.  The court shall have designated people to be a judge eyes and ears to testify in court itself of the known reported observation of the parties involve and which person doesn’t have racist attitudes and/or racist record of behaviours.  That would all shall be included within “law and order” ruling of US inhabitants be it anyone staying be it briefly, illegal, or permanently in this so-call land of the Nation of the Free: United States of America.

US infrastructure and morals should be given priority in order to protect our future and our existence as a Democratic Nation State.

What been said above is supported by the documentary video inserted here by a link above and my said here in “America’s fallin’ “  “Fixing the Nation.”

Sunday, June 23, 2019

…a friendly talk with a man collecting bottles to sell and buy food to survive.

…a friendly talk with a man collecting bottles to sell and buy food to survive.

...if I were an ignorant, would say that humans evolved from Adam and Eve, that they don't descent from Ape. But from God! But God is evil! Thy is a mean spirit! Thy punish humans if humans don't believe on Thy. Thy made hell, yes that. If Thy made hell to cook us, Thy eats humans. Therefore, Thy eat Human flesh. Thy made us all to eat us all. God is bad. The Bible is the proof that God created us. Darwin, thanks you made my mind understand that Humans were part of monkeys and Humans created God, created the Bible in many ways: the Koran, the Christian Bible and all that grass so Humans adore that lie and don't have to study so much to comprehend all evolved from a lesser animal; too much study to understand that. Bible is easier! Belief in the bible and our made God! Cuz God is evil, we man are evil! Iranian kills Catholics, Catholics bombard Iran! Good! Do not believe us men are descendants from monkey??? If so, men would live in peace one to the other. But I am not ignorant, thanks Darwin. I am at peace with those religious Islamic, Catholic and Jews that follow Thy testament to kill each other cuz I am not religious, I don't kill.

Note: this were the words of a man I meet collecting bottles from the garbage in front of the building I live as I undertook a friendly conversation with that man wearing rags, he told me that people belief he was crazy. Do you belief that too?

I told the man: Thy is not bad...
He answered: then why have I to collect garbage to eat?
I told the man: Thy does not eat people.
He answered: then do you think Thy is not eating me alive?
I smiled, he smiled too.
Left, he left, I could not discuss against a Philosopher.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The problem with wrong laws vs. lies

The problem with wrong laws vs. lies
 …that permit lies to be pre-fabricated.

Any women could accuse any man of rape, like the boy crying to the sheepherders, “WOLF! WOLF! WOLVES!  …and all of them wakeup in the middle of the night to chase away or kill the wolves, happens there is nothing and the boy break in laughin waking up the community seen all those sheepherders in action on the middle of the night; until the third time he does it again, one night.  Profound sleeping the sheepherders are waken up by their wives, mothers, and families to go on the rescue of the poor young boy yielding “WOLVES!” …and save the sheep from been killed and eaten up by the wild animal hunting for food on the middle of the night.

…sheepherders responded to the one making notice of the WOLVES cry, and said, let me sleep, I been awaken already a couple of times night before and found nothing but the boy just laughing at us, don’t bother me, I had a very hard day taking care on day time to feed those sheep, talk tomorrow with him and assign a new boy for that errand.

The wives and families understood and let their husband and relatives rest and sleep.  In the morning they all found the boy dead …lot of sheep dead and removed faraway eaten by wild wolves.

…the above is what some women are doing with some men, but the chosen one here is the President of the United States of America.  Some women are crying: “wolf! Wolf! Wolf!  Just this one to sell a book by been within the bunch just to make money and get millions out of it.

This story is based on the following: If Donald J. Trump did what is said by a woman in her book,” why doesn’t she go as of now and open a case with the FBI for them to investigate?  …but author a book, knowing this woman she is not accusing the President, but just making a “comment” of something that happened to her in not a clear date, time, or year.  1995? 1996?  The time?  What did her rapper said as she straggled not to be “raped?”  …well, dozens and dozens of questions could be ask to her, whom is not accusing any one but just telling a story of something that appears been full of fictitious happening than of real happenings …as in the cry of the wolves above called: The boy that cried “WOLVES!”  …this tale of a story is worldwide known in many languages and it is said as a moral not to tell lies, to young men and women.

Did you enjoy the analysis of the woman crying “wolf” on Donald J. Trump?

“Give to God what belongs to God and Caesar what belongs to Caesar.”

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Dirty politics?

...going to demonstrate here what is dirty politics: I tried to find the so called "unredacted Mueller Report", all in vain. Some sites sell them, other sites have the redacted copy. I think, and because I think and not working for the White House, am wrong ...if working for that "House", am right, so I think that that report is of public domain, it belongs to you and me and her and him and anybody. The people have the right to have it. But dirty politics impeded, makes it impossible, well, until the President of the USA finish its (means his) four years presidency (possible after next election if he "does not win), if winning, well, until that thing finishes his next four years. Ain't that dirty politics? ...if nuts? Then what the hell is that?

Monday, June 17, 2019

Forcing Iran in respecting freedom of navigation of Merchant Ships in the Gulf

...just to make Iran to respect freedom of navigation to international business and anyone, this places shall be heavily bombed as to destroy any of their boats, ships and airfield around be able to attack again: Shib Deraz, New Hengam, Hengam Ghil, any boat in Dairstan Bay, any airfield in any coastline in Iran 50 miles off the coast and a little further in, Salakih, E 55 degree, 53 minutes and 24 seconds/North 26 degree 45 minutes 57.6 seconds: Qushm Island, Bandar Abbas, all the littoral of the Persian Gulf in Iran and the Gulf of Oman as a 1st. stage. The purpose, to force the Iranian army to defend its fortresses, then destroy all those fortresses to incapacitate them to train, arm and sent terrorist to attach merchant ships traveling in and out of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Second stage: bombardment of all military airport field in Tehran and nearby military field to dislocate its capacity to support a final land, air, and sea invasion of Iran with 320,000 marines situated nearby many major Iranian cities just to cut any roadway communication among them. The marines will not boot themselves inside any city but will make them collapse by its own way. Second step might not be implemented if the Iranian gov promises it will not continue attacking merchant ships at sea and there is a change of gov. Third step, total open war against Iran supported by USA allies which business is at risk by Iran attacking merchant oil and other ships using the freeway of those Gulfs. USA has the right to do so on the logic that Iran intent and is acting on the interruption of all of European, Arabic Nations and Eastern nation (China including, and other lands) as well as Asian nations which actions will bring economic chaos around those mentioned regions. Period.

The actual gov of Iran could prevent this war ready to start, and save its infrastructure if and only if, Iran stops attacking any merchant ship traveling on those above mention Gulfs as well initiating a new dialog with the point to bring security to any region in all around Iran, not supporting terrorist organization nor carrying proxy war against others.  Iran, leave in peace and let others live in peace.
Iran has two kind of people: Iranians and Persians.  Persians were conquered by Iranians; they are peaceful people.  Their government is a murky one, it seems they don't organize themselves very well.  Here this yet its population is a beautiful one.

...yes, its people are one thing but, its gov is another thing.  Looking for war, the gov; been peaceful, its people: to win a war, it seems the region involved in the fight must have two faces: one smiling and the other one cursing.  Or better: "riendo y con el maso dando" (laughing and with the mallet hitting), it is acting as the good police and bad police (in police custody, the prisoner is questioned with a very bad attitude by one police officer about to physically beat up the  one been questioned, then another police comes into the questioning room and yield to the "bad" police: get out of here!  That's not the way to treat him!  I'll do the questioning from now on!  The arrested person feels much relaxed after seen at least someone comes to his rescue, he/she starts trusting the "good" police and even agree to cooperate by adding some lies (the pay) to the story as a payment for the "good" police coming to his/her rescue, this is: riendo y con el maso dando (the police); the "good" police guide the prisoner too lie in order to finish with that problem and infers he, the police officer, will help him/her in formulating a soft report that would help a lot in court paper.  So here, the gov is the bad police and the people is the "good" police.  Anyone would get on the side of Iran's gov, after seen the good police manipulation presented here.  Got it?  Good!

Friday, June 14, 2019

...the wrong trade wars.

...the wrong trade wars.

The issue: US vs. China

US had shown a trade deficit with China since long, this had caused that our President made his own argument why that been happening since a couple of decades ago.

In order to find the root of the cause why US has a deficit in trade income balance than China it has to be known, and Trump is correct, that it is USA fault, not China.  Trade is the interchange of valued products with another business, not the number of products involved.  This causes a second problem: when the product's valued is controlled, manipulated or withhold, this is, putting hardships in its production due to human cause (not environmental causes), the recipients of the benefit originated from the products, one of them turns into a loser while the other or various of them in a winner but if the value of the product is set to be filtered on "production and demand", no one loses, everyone is a winner.  Why?  Those involved in the production and sale of the product either shift to a different creation of other products or invent or design new tech to increase its production and still get a benefit at the long run.  And that is called competition, new  devices are created just born from the need in making money.  It is especially important to mention an intermediary, here in USA called: Wall Street.  Wall street is more or less a referee, one who then tells who a winner is and who is a looser.  And that, in US, is set on the standards of the free market.

...but for the above, and this is a big but, when someone takes over the control that naturally is inherited by the free market, both producers and buyers turn into losers, no winners and it originates what now we call: "trade war".

People demand gives origin to new techs, values, abundance and the likes of likes ...and that is why in societies controlled in all its time and space by totalitarianism, totalitarian govs, this is, Socialism and/or Communism, they turn into failers, people that are unsuccessful.

Societies had given rise to strange form of govs, which uses totalitarianism and Capitalism in there practice of Socialism, this, ultimately will end up in a system of Democracy, it is, unconsciously, a group of people thinking on behalf of millions of people and deciding what best for them, creating, and they are forced to do, a totally military gov, not a Democratic gov.  It will end in the long run, into a Democracy or it will turn into failers ...and Democracy will take over, like it or not. was the same of the evolution of Democracy: from feudal into Democratic States.

...if a person acts, voluntarily, controlling the free markets on production and demands, the society involved shall take an abysm deep down to the end of the slope and crack down as it falls to the edge of the slope, its end.

To compete against a Capitalist-Social Nation State, decision-making cannot be imposed by cracking the free market and imposing conditions that might or might not end in succeeding in its objective but helping the Capitalist-Social Nation State; it backfires "Free Enterprise." transit from any form of gov into a Democracy it takes a long time, that happens to today Democracy inherited from Sparta and Athena long ago in social history.
...on the above, that is why "group work" is an important "entity" of Democracy.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

To spy on them, US let them make some spy on US

..don't be surprised. USA
had been inside many Chinese military mainframe computer as a matter of fact:
USA is ready to stop on the spot (if a nuclear war is the cause) any activity
from not only China but, from Russia and other countries such as Iran, Cuba and
any mainframe computer around the world; US has the capacity even to control
nuclear weapons long before it is triggered or launch toward any location in
the world and make them explode long before they activate their nuclear
payload. Want some proof? Here just one: when North Korea intended to launch
some missiles in their own territory as a mean of testing, all first trial
failed on the first seconds of its trajectory ...then US stopped controlling
them and left the North Korean alone to proceed with their testing. Of course,
the Nation State of slaves improved their internal configuration (of IBM
missiles) based on some configuration designs given by China. Those improvising
on algorithm engineering were all given by the Military Government of China to
North Korea including all the centrifuge used in the filtering of nuclear
material: Uranium, China gave to North Korea enough to make their payload of
nuclear bombs ...yet North Korea is still refining Uranium and making more
nuclear payload without the assistance of China. US know it all but had to keep
it secret cuz it is better like that so US could neutralize any Nation State
around the world that intent to attack USA and any of its allies. Got it? It is
loud and clear, much clear than drinking water. P.S.: US inside all China
Mainframe computers and any civilian (.*.) all, computer that work with large
amount of data. No way to take US out cuz US is part of their computer
configuration unless they destroy all of them and start anew, then US get in it
again and again. This is just a warning to the gov of China that is spreading
cheap (algorithm-tainted) TV, mainframe computer, and computerized controllers
to be sold to anyone around the globe. ...why do you think the Pentagon has
invested billion and billions of dollars? To spy on me and you? C'mon, wake up
and rest in peace, US knowall.
…just as more proof of the above: my large TV set (made by
the gov of China), is trying to open the folders in this compu.  They are left free to try so US knows their
intension and the Pent knows what to do next. more thing: if China stops hacking USA mainframe compus, stop violating copyrights by following a specific protocol in agreement with international Copyright laws, then China acquire the full right to complain to USA or any other nation that some 3 million computer had been intervened by US ...yet so, China has not solid proof of such a claim, China itself, its dictatorship of gov, could be the one "who's" intervening in its citizens compus and could be their own citizens doing that as happens all around the world: from within its national own citizens.  Who knows?
...solution: start making a treaty, Cyberwar treat, that both sides will respect each other common domain, this is, China will not intervene in USA domestic Cyber needs nor USA will not intervene in China domestic Cyber needs.  Adjust China to respect copyright and stop copying right others inventions in algorithm plus compensate the loss in business to USA do to that China intervention of devices configurations not only in US, but other Nation State.  Got it?  Let's respect each other, then the discussion above is valid.  Otherwise, don't spend your time with that discussion, cyber security as well as cyber attack is a two way street ...not a one way street.
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…now watch this:

Hong Kong: China will get what it wants

Hong Kong: China will get what it wants

...Hong Kong: China will get what it wants, you'll see your leaders extradited to China, secretly killed and their organ parts sold to be use on another people's body ...doubt on that? ...once someone is extradited far, far away and there is not family to visit them, that one is mercy less to the blind will of some authority who would pursuit its emotions on the body of that one: slater it and get some money of it, this is, the kill is here, gets its organs and get some money of it. That is not the system, it happens to be situation of opportunism of individual people of which the system is based to enforce its authority ...and that individual is an immoral one as sometimes happens to be. See the case in USA, people illegally crossing its border from Mexico, are arrested, some minors die of unknown causes (any diagnostic is set on them, with no investigation at all) and up to now over 9 death already exists; and this is the USA, the country of the free ...what about of China? A nation of arbitrary decision taking. ...extradition people who opposes the gov? ...and cuz the way they are they have a strong economy of which main land China dislike. China will get what it wants. Communism and/or Socialism cannot be created by reasoning but, by force against reasoning. Sorry for you Hong Kong.

…cuz of the above is why Democracy will always fight Communism/Socialism wherever it be.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Not a “senseless comment,” it is a critique of a careless site

Not a “senseless comment,” it is a critique of a careless site which has made billions of dollars at expense of others be them politicians or simple people.

When I read in the news this: {Pelosi added to this rhetoric, saying, “Unwarranted, concentrated economic power in the hands of a few is dangerous to democracy — especially when digital platforms control content.

"The era of self-regulation is over.”}, I felt elated, why? Public institutions, some, are using the public in such a way that their acts cause public surprise “seen, listening and discovering” that a high class politician, a scientist or even an enemy to the public is presented not as such, but as a violator of his own believes.  In the case of an enemy to the public it means taking any word said and enclosing that word tied to a message not meant by that enemy to the public just to cause sensation on the reader.  That a scientist discovery sometimes is attached to animal or human abuse in order to gain knowledge and that a politician exposing his/her view on a theme, is distorted (on purpose) by the institution presenting his/her views.

This one case of a “careless site which has made billions of dollars at the expense of others is a public international site the care not on respecting any politician but money, the more the better …okay, it happened that the person whom Facebook’s owner distorted her image was of a very well admired, respected and high class of the system of freedom in US, Nancy Pelosi.

Not only this politician had been used in Facebook as a jewel to make and give the wrong impression just to attract the attention of viewers but Facebook rely on given false and fabricated information on whoever and still presenting that whoever as been a monster to society, while Facebook gets more and much more audience so the site, maliciously, make billion of dollars with fabricated “facts” of which the affected one cannot answer back, luckily, Facebook grabbed the wrong iron, a hot iron that should, I think, burn the owner hands and affect on way or the other many more internet site that are not at guilt as Facebook is: guilty of spreading “fabricated proof”

One thing it is when any internet site makes a very negative or positive comment of a politician and the site does not distort the politician words or enclose a specific phrase or sentence by adding fabricated (by the site) words to the politician explanation of a situation, and other thing is when professionally, a site looks for facts, not tainted videos and real investigation of a politician discourse, life and history and publish that world wide …and profit of that by selling add space to buyers to make their business propaganda as onlookers read on their publishing data as well as the site respect and follow the law not only of its residential location but, follows some form of caution as not to cause harm on things not proved to the affected one.  No site has the right in saying such and such politician is an indecent politician cuz he/she used the word f…you; should the site know that is a word already legalized by the people, mostly here in USA.  Of course, the f…word is decent to say, what is not decent to say is the complete total word yet sometimes is acceptable to with exception when publishing in a site just for minors.  In the adult world it has a specific meaning in social turns.

Be it known that Facebook is abusing, abusing and abusing in all its semantic the right to critic others like covering your face and shooting into a large group of people in a meeting with the purpose to hurt someone you want to hurt but shooting to the mass.

…yes, distinguished politician Facebook shall be penalized in one way or the other, Europe just did that with some billions (?) of dollars or might be millions (?) with a warning attached to it.  But do not hurt others, other sites that has nothing to do with the ERRATIC CONDUCT OF FACEBOOK.