Wednesday, August 15, 2018

…yes, America once upon a time was “Great”

…yes, America once upon a time was “Great”

Many years ago, slavery was the rule of the time.

Many years ago, women had to create the “Women Liberation Movement”, to let others know that they had the same right as men did on that time.

Many years ago, racism, was the staple of the day.

…and many years ago, there was a very large group of people, that enjoyed of anything, of everything in abundances, but Blacks, Latinos, and other minorities for they were treated as second class citizens, almost as slaved laborers, just that.

On that time, there was a “selected group” that could for their skin colour and upper-class economy, enjoyed good education, free movement, free investment with money into any social sphere that would yield much more money without been questioned their legality of investment and “criminals” was the word of the day to be used against those that were not like them.  For them, America was Great!

So, “let’s make America Great Again”, is a slogan that invites to discrimination, abuses, going around the law, rules and regulations, even morals and creating laws to benefit that “very large group of people” as well as nicknamed others as the colour people, criminals and low intelligent bunch of people; that’s when the so-called IQ was “invented.  On that time, if someone aspired to go into any reserved social group of the non-colour people, “the very large group”, were given a psychological test, that by sure, they were going to fail, for they, the colour ones, couldn’t answer most of the questions, for the question were made specifically for those that could buy and possess the best tech of the time, get the best Edu of the time and have the most money to spend.  The poor lacked any high tech, wouldn’t come from those best schools and would have only manual jobs at an ill paid salary serving just the “selected group”, that each and every day are becoming much and more selective, now called: The one percent, and including others benefited by those of the “one percent” of that group.  It is such, that billions of dollars had been given to the selected one percent of the American population, and no more than 300 dollars to the general population, those that are the work horse power of the American economy, the great majority of American be them colour people or not, but the selected group of super-rich ones.

…then, how would anyone would like to “Make America Great Again”?

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