Monday, August 06, 2018

The President self-confesses to “We the people…”

The President self-confesses to “We the people…”

Donald J. Trump, in one of his public Twits admits he collided with Russia in order to get data on former USA secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.

This is this: how did Trump contact the secret Russian’ service to get the so-called dirt on Russia? Was the meeting by various of his family, associate and advisers related to ask the Russian government to do that of tampering in the DNC via hacking their server’s computer?  President Trump admitted he did contact the Russian for that purpose …wasn’t that interfering with the USA voting election processes via a foreign country, in this case: Russia, a conspiracy?

You, reader answer this question, be the judge and asks a lawyer with knowledge in law and the Constitution of the State Nation of USA.

Got no more to say here… just put the Cascabel on the neck of the cat and send him to a cage, for some time.

President of the Russian Federation.
Started controlling this nation on 31 December 1999 and till in office controlling Russia.
Putin turned a KGB agent on 1975 and changed its name to "Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) – The Foreign Intelligence Service reports directly to the President of Russia" The KGB "in English as Committee for State Security, was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until its break-up in 1991."
See also:
Under Putin's leadership, Russia has scored poorly in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index and experienced democratic backsliding according to both the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index and Freedom House's Freedom in the World index (including a record low 20/100 rating in the 2017 Freedom in the World report, a rating not given since the time of the Soviet Union). Experts no longer consider Russia to be a democracy, citing the lack of free and fair elections, purges and jailing of opponents, and curtailed press freedom.[21][22][23][24][25] Human rights organizations and activists have accused Putin of persecuting political critics and activists, as well as ordering them tortured or assassinated; he has rejected accusations of human rights abuses.[26] Officials of the United States government have accused him of leading an interference program against Hillary Clinton in support of Donald Trump during the U.S. presidential election in 2016, which both Trump and Putin have frequently denied and criticized.[27][28][29] Putin has had domestic approval ratings above 60% since taking office in 1999.

President Vladimir Putin has personal secret information of actual President Donald J. Trump of when Trump used to travel to Russia for business purpose.  On that time, hotels in Russia had very beautiful minors posing as hotel guides, in the information desk, as companions yet they were under 18 years old, they as very young adults (19 yrs old?) who were trained in the country side as models with the spirit of one day traveling to Europe find a job to support their parents whom were poor people of the countryside of Russia.  As of now in Latin America that very young beautiful girls travel mostly to Spain, Italy and other parts of Europe to serve as model but instead they are set in the business of prostitution and made slaves of sex.  It is very common in parts of the European Union, very well known in England.
So, in Russia too, but due to the miserable situation in Russia on the time of the communist hegemony, this girls could find jobs at any type of hotel in Moscow.  The KGB, the most beautiful "models", were placed to work at hotels and doing whatever its customers wanted to do with them be it sex or just as a companion while they stayed in Russia.  Donald J. Trump was one of these visitors some times as either when the KGB or Vladimir Putin were the hard commander of the region.
The Russian government used to film whatever act any foreigner did as they stayed in Russia and use those data if needed to blackmail mostly: business man doing business such as in the construction environment.
It happens there are records of USA President on the hands of Putin that were not burned by this former KGB agent. President Trump is scare those data goes to the public.  US already knows Donald personal behaviours with other people, mainly with women.  He liked to use Madams for his pleasure as known now with some of them he gave thousands of dollars to shut up during his election campaign of 2016.

All that data is a compilation or research done from 2000 till today of Donald J. Trump during 10 years of investigation including on the Nation State of Russia since 1984 with the intention of exposing the Communist State of Russia, its history and its abusive errors with its people and around the world in countries such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic in times of President Joaquin Balaguer and Allende in Chile as well as the revolution directed by the Che, in Latin America an Mao in China.  Part of the data is shared here.  Done for the publication of "Plot" with a subtitle of "Plot, a dialog with Flag".

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