Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wow! Surprise! Kill yourself...

Wow!  Kill yourself:

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Waiting for still more? ...find it in Google they have a lot

...drainning the Swamp?  ...did spell right?  Which one: "...drainning or Swamp?"

...what's a national security issue here: a corrupt government or the spelling in this blog "?"

"if the link doesn't open, just copy from here, and paste it in your address bar" ...seems someone is interrupting my work

…no, it is not Russia, it is someone working for a political party …yes!

...someone said: "it could be Russia, it could be China or someone sitting in his bed with a computer"  ...yes and no, by sure it was not me.  You do know who "it" was, "We the people..." will know then after you spit it out.

There is some one that will blow up your shoulder on your back, it will be spit out of your lungs; I’ve seen that in restaurants when someone gets a grain of rice in their mouth canal to the throat and the person cough, cough and cough until it comes out like a bullet to heat the dinner table where friends are eating.  It is repugnant, but if not, the guy gest “face red” on his face until at last it comes by itself …the truth I mean, not the grain of rice.

…again, the spelling is not the issue here, but the national security of this country …sir.

This is what’s going on here, historically point of view, not from the legal point of view:  …a man called Michael Cohen had turned into a martyr himself, to save his country, to save the existence of the United States of America.  Think he deserves my and all of US respect.  Speechless I am.  That’s a man that deserves from US, all the pardon possible US could give him.  I’m not a politician, I’m not a lawyer, I’m not a historian neither I’m not representing any institution that gives me a salary to write things, on the contrary, I turned blogger accidentally.  My intention is, was and will be: make researches on HIV and other things related to science.  Have not a penny to do that, and that’s why its been done slowly, very slowly and research on the weather, at which a lot had been obtained.  Still, looking to see if HIV could be killed, destroyed, yet have the solution that could not publish due to situations.  Other health issues still seen it’s provability in being solved, doing that day, night and weekends with no exception.  First, I started “Plot”, and feel complacent that I’m paying back the hand that USA extended to me taking me in its shoulder where I teared all my cries and sufferings as a human.  Thanks America, I own myself to you.  Even I’ve been misjudged, no hard feeling but love.

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