…answer to certain comments.
Here is the Secret Master Plan of China to Destroy U.S. Military in a War!
...the real
problem is not China, but its politics: Communist Capitalism employing
dictatorship, a new hybrid of the old wrong perceived Communism. And Democracy fully directed by Capitalism,
not our pupped of politicians controlled by Capitalists ...of those ones that
wrote USA constitution, there are no more.
They are dead. The .new ones,
believe in Capitalism to control Democracy, not Democracy to control
Capitalism. Just if thinking I'm wrong,
observe the USA president and those other politicians around him: they are
"right”, and we are "wrong", they milk the cow, and we are the
I used to
believe in justice, didn't know that that thing is not for you and me and the
rest of the "low class", the most of our society: the poor. Did you know that the high class earns, just
a worker, 269 dollars per hour? ...and
we? ...and that the super-rich don't
earn per hour? They own you and me?
...and the rest too? That's what they
own, they earn you and me ...they are the so-called: the 1 %. Democracy has a long way to go, still ...I
ask, vehemently: think first, before casting your vote it’s your right each and
every four years, remember, it takes four years for you to express yourself ...after
that, if you try then, are taken to jail. There is no secret master plan by
anybody, just that.
before, at first, wars were combatants killing each other hand to hand, then
long after, bullets to bullets, now nuke to nuke ...in the first one, the
strongest and the most with people, won; in the second one, the best with the
most bullets, won; and now, both loose ...and start again as in the first one,
the cycle repeats.
...not bad, whoever
has the most flying birds wins ...and the most subs wins ...and the most best
satellite wins ...and the most will to defend others Nation States territories
wins ...what else? ...forgot to tell: as long as it is not nuclear, wins. By
the way, if nuclear: both are "se finish" and whichever Nation States
don't get involved in the fight: wins.
Does it
matter we have the power to blow this world apart killing everyone and the
choice between being ruled by another nation or death I'll take death the whole
...I had a dream, in my dream we were 20 soldiers. Our commander
aligned us all one next to the other and told us all: "anyone who wants to
be a hero, make a step forward! ...all the rest made a step forward. Our
commander asked me: why you, soldier, make a step backward? I replied: ...yes!
commander! I am the one who is going to bring flowers to their graves, of all
those heroes! ...just like that, our commander moved next to me.
If it is a secret plan, we cant now
any details about it. Just saying
...it is simple to know: a few
nuclear bombs from here to them and a few nuclear bombs from them to here, I
mean: US. Case closed.
Don't make me laugh China destroy
...will see you not laughing but
crying like a baby sir!
Why would China destroy its own
client? Nonsense upon nonsense
don't you know that after war, peace comes, and all become best friend
...wrong? ...then, see Japan and USA in before and after ...got it? ...now see
my comment in: "...I had a dream..." above.
Only problem with this, 1st you have
to get a proper fix on the position of the Carrier and by the time you launch
the missile the carrier will be miles away, then you have to get through the
defences of the carrier group and space based weapons the Carrier group is
always on the move. So no hope China.
follow your ...strategy?
The United States have better
weapons still
but super-rich people don't use them, they make them for you and me to use
them. What about that? ...know they control the world ...know you and me work
for them ...know if their sons go to war ...know they are our generals ...know:
see a prince of England that went to fight in Afghanistan (for a few days,
others for a few years) ...a group of militaries were assigned to protect him
in the battlefield ...know: who protect you in the battlefield? ...your
comrades, not any group of other soldiers well trained and placed specifically
protecting you ...know: you and me are seen here as stupid fanatic donkeys, not
capable of reasoning. We do the fight, they call us heroes, the one we fight,
call us enemies while a Prince, and high-class politicians sit comfortable on a
table to make a deal to end the fight. It is not that I am against freedom, but
crimes be it a war or not, is that war is for us to fight and die and freedom
for them to be seen as winners of wars, just to start another war again if they
don't win ...it hurts to say this, but that is the truth, just read some
history and learn from that. Those one that praise you, are the winners, you
the praised one, is the loser.