Saturday, July 07, 2018


…some Senators wonder if they could make the big news, but they lack the talent.
 “An extraordinary or remarkable act or achievement

From: TheFreeDictionary, by FARLEX

…distinguished Senator Mr. Roskam
Have ever you driven a vehicle, which I think you have, and had you
notice that in any one of any car accident you ever had, the accident could had
been prevented.  That prevention you had realized long after the accident,
possible after arriving at you home and been with your family.  Now, would
it be fair if a police officer comes to your home and arrest you because it had been known
that that accident could had been prevented, and you did not?

See the irony of your questions here in this example given above?

...what I see here is that you are looking for a fifth leg to a cat, and a cat has only 4 legs 

...unless you see the cat's tail as a leg or something else of the cat. is out of question.
Notice that this commission is doing that: looking if the cat has a fifth
leg, which just exists in the imagination of some politicians, not in smart
ones ...but the few, the least prepared to be seen by the people that elected
them as a genuine smart able politician which in real, real terms, they are

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